
Jack Hymanson 0
Getting demand in shape

For supply chain managers and analysts Getting Demand in Shape can mean collecting the most pertinent data to support specific business processes and activities. Identifying new or previously unused data sources can be especially important. My most recent article titled “Getting Demand in Shape” in the May / June issue of APICS magazine

Rick Wicklin 0
How to find an initial guess for an optimization

Nonlinear optimization routines enable you to find the values of variables that optimize an objective function of those variables. When you use a numerical optimization routine, you need to provide an initial guess, often called a "starting point" for the algorithm. Optimization routines iteratively improve the initial guess in an

Students & Educators
Nadja Young 0
Teacher effectiveness culture shifts in Lubbock ISD schools – Part 3: The Superintendent

This is part 3 of a blog series on how Lubbock Independent School District (Lubbock ISD) uses SAS® EVAAS to improve teaching and learning by promoting self-reflection and aiding instructional and administrative decision-making. This is done in a district that, in the past decade, has experienced dramatic increases in the percentage

Sunny Zhang 0
Series: BCBS 239 - Principle 10

Principle 10: Frequency – The board and senior management (or other recipients as appropriate) should set the frequency of risk management report production and distribution. BCBS 239 “Effective Risk Data Aggregation & Risk Reporting”, released in January of 2013, specifically requires that the bank’s board and senior management should be

Data Visualization
Ian Jones 0
Trade Surveillance: Watching you watching me

“Technological innovation is no longer a choice: it is an imperative.” So said Scott O’Malia, Commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, about trade surveillance during his keynote address at the recent SAS-sponsored New Risk in Energy 2014 conference in Houston. He was attempting, as he has before, to spur

Data Management
Karen Lee 0
We’ve come a long way, baby!

How Internal Communications got into the video business. Everybody loves video. Well, maybe not everybody, but judging by the popularity of YouTube and the ubiquity of Web videos in general, I’d have to conclude that a mighty large chunk of the population loves – or at least likes – it.

Data Management
Alyssa Farrell 0
A must-read for petroleum professionals

Oil companies are being forced to explore in geologically complex and remote areas to exploit more unconventional hydrocarbon deposits.  New engineering technology has pushed the envelope of previous upstream experience.  No guidebook existed on how computing methodologies can contribute to E&P performance at reduced risk.  Until now. A new book

SAS Colombia 0
Cinco características esenciales de la computación en la nube

Puede llamarlo transformación, cambio de paradigma, evolución o revolución. No importa  qué nombre reciban: en la actualidad, los servicios en la nube están cambiando la realidad de los negocios. La posibilidad y necesidad de acceder a la información desde cualquier sitio, en cualquier momento y con prácticamente cualquier dispositivo, ha

Gastbeitrag 0
Gastbeitrag: "Being Data Driven with Hadoop"

We asked Lars George, EMEA Chief Architect at Cloudera, to share his opinion about Hadoop, Big Data and future market trends in Business Analytics. For all those who want to know more about Hadoop we recomment this TDWI whitepaper and how to apply Big Data Analytics.  The last few years

Students & Educators
Nadja Young 0
Teacher effectiveness culture shifts in Lubbock ISD schools – Part 1: The Teachers

Improving teacher effectiveness is no simple task. Whether a part of a formal evaluation system or for formative feedback, looking at student growth data can be a valuable part of the development process for teachers and administrators. Lubbock Independent School District (Lubbock ISD) uses SAS® EVAAS to improve teaching and

Maggie Miller 0
Analytics 2014: Top trends in big data

The Analytics 2014 conference in Frankfurt, Germany gets started tomorrow, but today many of the speakers and attendees are arriving at the Frankfurt Marriott. I caught up with Beth Schultz, editor-in-chief of AllAnalytics.com to hear about her keynote presentation and to find out the benefits of being part of the

Leo Sadovy 0
Analytics – Easy as One, Two, Tree

Insights from decision trees and other basic analytic techniques show that you don’t always need complex analytics to solve business problems and add value.  This was the message from Dr. James (Jim) Foster, Director of Research and Process Development, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), at last month’s inaugural IE Group ‘Manufacturing Analytics

Data Management
Jeff Hasmann 0
Series: BCBS 239 - Principle 9

Principle 9: Risk management reports should communicate information in a clear and concise manner. Reports should be easy to understand yet comprehensive enough to facilitate informed decision-making. Reports should include meaningful information tailored to the needs of the recipients. While the data management and data aggregation principles have been heavily

Rick Wicklin 0
Permute elements within each row of a matrix

Bootstrap methods and permutation tests are popular and powerful nonparametric methods for testing hypotheses and approximating the sampling distribution of a statistic. I have described a SAS/IML implementation of a bootstrap permutation test for matched pairs of data (an alternative to a matched-pair t test) in my paper "Modern Data

Guido Oswald 0
Data Day Zürich - wir laden herzlich ein!

Da war doch mal was, Sie erinnern sich, Hoodiejournalismus?! In dieser Diskussion über Digital gegen Print, jung gegen alteingessen, #hoodie vs. #schlipsy, über was ist Premium oder was ist hautnah dabei, über was erscheint modern, zeitgemäß und innovativ oder was bezahlt die Miete am Ende des Monats, ist ein Punkt

Sonal Singh 0
Series: BCBS 239 – Principle 8

Principle 8: Comprehensiveness -  Risk management reports should cover all material risk areas within the organization. The depth and scope of these reports should be consistent with the size and complexity of the bank’s operations and risk profile, as well as the requirements of the recipients. One of the four

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