
Rick Wicklin 0
Stigler's seven pillars of statistical wisdom

Wisdom has built her house; She has hewn out her seven pillars.      – Proverbs 9:1 At the 2014 Joint Statistical Meetings in Boston, Stephen Stigler gave the ASA President's Invited Address. In forty short minutes, Stigler laid out his response to the age-old question "What is statistics?" His answer was

Analytics | Learn SAS
Eric Rossland 0
A tale of two administrators

You are the new SAS Administrator. After the initial shock or excitement, you sit back and wonder, “What does that MEAN???” In an enterprise environment there are often divisions of duties. The SAS Intelligence Platform is no exception. Just take a look at the architecture. Just looking at this picture,

Rick Wicklin 0
Reversing the limits of integration in SAS

In SAS software, you can use the QUAD subroutine in the SAS/IML language to evaluate definite integrals on an interval [a, b]. The integral is properly defined only for a < b, but mathematicians define the following convention, which enables you to make sense of reversing the limits of integration:

SAS Colombia 0
Conozca las nuevas tendencias de la gestión del riesgo

Para ganar en el mercado, las organizaciones deben estar innovando todo el tiempo, esto significa moverse rápido, entrar en nuevos mercados estar más accesibles para los clientes, lanzar nuevos productos y tener precios cada vez más competitivos. Pero entre más innoven y compitan, mayores son los riesgos que deben enfrentar

Internet of Things
Anne Belder 0
Why we need digital banks

We often hear from retail bank customers that they aren't satisfied with the revenue captured through digital channels. It was therefore with great interest that I embarked on the mission to understand Chris Skinner’s book Digital Bank. Why we need digital banks The book starts by painting the landscape of

Jim Harris 0
The ethics of algorithmic regulation

In my last three posts on data ethics, I explored a few of the ethical dilemmas in our data-driven world. From examining the ethical practices of free internet service providers to the problem of high-frequency trading, I’ve come to realize the depth and complexity of these issues. Anyone who's aware of these

SAS Colombia 0
¿Cómo detectar y prevenir el fraude de una vez por todas?

Las estrategias para cometer fraude se están volviendo cada vez más sofisticadas al punto de hacerlo más difícil de detectar. Según la Agencia Fiscal Belga, se calcula que los delincuentes roban 100.000 millones de euros (132.000 millones de dólares estadounidenses) al año a los gobiernos de toda Europa mediante un

Jim Harris 0
The low ethics of high-frequency trading

Imagine if your ability to feed your family depended upon how fast you could run. Imagine the aisles of your grocery store as lanes on a running track. If you can outrun your fellow shoppers, grab food off the shelves and race through the checkout at the finish line, then

Nele Coghe 0
Hot hot heat map

Although I’m not particularly excited about football (I admit, I don’t completely understand what offside means), I did follow the last World Cup with more than average attention. Not only for the handsome players, but especially for all the fascinating statistics that appeared. It struck me that heat maps popped

Carl Farrell 0
Energized about energy

I’ve been told I have rocks for brains before, but right now I have rocks on the brain – the kind that are millions of years old and contain precious stores of oil and gas. One reason I have petroleum on my mind is that I’ve just returned from Brazil, where

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