How many times have you entered a phone number on a web page, only to be told that you did not type it the "correct" form? I find that annoying. Don't you? In my latest book, Cody's Data Cleaning Techniques, 3rd edition, I show how to convert a phone number
North Carolina is a very diverse state - especially when it comes to outdoor recreation opportunities. This weekend you could go hiking or kayaking in the mountains, watch a hot air balloon festival near Raleigh, and go wind surfing or fishing at the coast. And if you've got your SCUBA
Citizens served by the government are increasingly the same digital savvy consumers that market disruptors in banking, retail and utilities are attracting with sophisticated, data-driven online experiences. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement; consumers get to buy services in ways that suit them while businesses get the efficiencies they want, wrestling
Elizabeth is courageous. Scoliosis since birth, corrective spinal surgery replaced her spine with steel, tripping on stairs permanently broke her right ankle. Then she decided to come take yoga with me. To help ease back pain & reduce hip stress, I offered options like bent legs not cross. In class
Thanks to 100 dedicated volunteers who spent their entire weekend digging into data at North Carolina’s first-ever DataDive: The Anti-Defamation League was able to cite the new approaches it was taking to analyzing hate crime data when its CEO testified before the US Senate in early May. Counter Tools, a
오늘은 SAS에서 오랫동안 근무해온 프로그래머이자 데이터 사이언티스트의 SAS Viya 사용 후기를 공유해 드리려고 합니다. 새롭게 출시된 ‘SAS Viya(SAS 바이야)’ 환경을 사용해 본지는 이제 6개월이 지났는데, 벌써 푹 빠졌다고 합니다! SAS9 환경에서 사용했던 많은 통계 기법을 SAS Viya 환경에 동일하게 적용했을 때 그 속도와 더 높은 정확성에 감격했답니다. 그렇다면 데이터 사이언티스트가
Around the world, animals continue to be added to the endangered species list. Thankfully, there are organizations like WildTrack, a nonprofit organization using non-invasive techniques to monitor endangered species. With the help of SAS® technology, WildTrack can use its collection of data to preserve endangered species and improve conservation efforts.
Fühlen Sie sich bei Ihrer Versicherung online abgeholt? Am besten 24/7? Was andere Branchen und InsurTechs bereits vormachen, ist bei Versicherungen noch nicht gang und gäbe: die Digitalisierung des Geschäfts. Dabei liegen gerade bei Versicherern die perfekten Bedingungen dafür vor: viele Daten, viele Prozesse, viele Produkte und viele online-affine Kunden.
Phil Simon chimes in on the last five years of Hadoop with an eye toward the future.
According to Hyndman and Fan ("Sample Quantiles in Statistical Packages," TAS, 1996), there are nine definitions of sample quantiles that commonly appear in statistical software packages. Hyndman and Fan identify three definitions that are based on rounding and six methods that are based on linear interpolation. This blog post shows
고객관계관리(CRM), 여행 산업의 핵심 경쟁력으로 떠올라 요즘 ‘먹방’과 ‘쿡방’의 인기를 무섭게 따라잡고 있는 트렌드가 있습니다. 바로 ‘여행 방송’입니다! 꽃보다 할배의 열풍을 시작으로 원나잇 푸드트립, 패키지로 세계 일주 – 뭉쳐야 뜬다, 배틀 트립 등 각종 여행 방송이 쏟아지고 있는데요. 실제 방송 후 관련 여행 상품들의 매출이 증가하면서 그 인기를 증명하고 있죠!
These days, more and more people move to where the work is. And for many people in Europe, that 'where' is Germany. I recently saw a map of Germany, that showed which country had the most foreigners living in each area. It was an interesting map, but I thought I might
Ich möchte Sie etwas fragen? Sehen Sie Risikomanagement als: alleinige Aufgabe des Chief Risk Officer, als Pflichtübung, die jede Menge Papierkram – aber keine wirklichen Vorteile – bringt; oder Verantwortung von allen im Unternehmen und eine Chance, eine sichere Umgebung für heikle Geschäftsentscheidungen zu schaffen? Natürlich sind diese beiden Auffassungen
In a recent Computerworld feature, Deanna Wise, Executive Vice President and CIO of Dignity Health, encouraged forward-thinking CIOs to develop partnerships within their organizations to drive better customer experiences that translate into revenue. Wise has a strong record of doing just that, collaborating with SAS to implement advanced analytics throughout
A nivel global, la mayoría de las personas tiene conocimiento sobre el tema por las constantes primicias que vemos cada año acerca de muertes de celebridades ocasionadas por sobredosis de medicamentos recetados, pero esto solo es la punta del iceberg de un problema mucho mayor. De acuerdo con información de
IFRS17 hat weitreichende Auswirkungen und bedarf umfassender Änderungen und Anpassungen im Finanz-Reporting von Versicherungen. Bezogen auf die IT-Landschaft sind insbesondere die beteiligten Accounting-Prozesse und -Systeme betroffen. Dazu gehören aber nicht nur das Hauptbuch und die Reporting-Anwendungen, sondern auch Quellsysteme und aktuarielle Systeme. Einführung neuer IFRS17-spezifischer Funktionen Die Prozesse und die
In last week's article about the Flint water crisis, I computed the 90th percentile of a small data set. Although I didn't mention it, the value that I reported is different from the the 90th percentile that is reported in Significance magazine. That is not unusual. The data only had
My colleague Gerhard Svolba (Solutions Architect at SAS Austria) has authored his third book, Applying Data Science: Business Case Studies Using SAS®." While the book covers a broad range of data science topics, forecasters will be particularly interested in two lengthy case studies on "Explaining Forecast Errors and Deviations" and
오탐(False Positive), 자금세탁방지(AML)의 새로운 도전 과제 2016년 2월, 미국 재무부 산하의 금융범죄단속반 ‘FinCEN(Financial Crime Enforcement Network)’은 플로리다 주 지브롤터 프라이빗 뱅크(Gibraltar Private Bank)와 트러스트 컴퍼니(Trust Company)에 자금세탁방지(AML: Anti-Money Laundering) 프로그램의 ‘상당한’ 결함을 이유로 4백만 달러의 벌금을 부과했습니다. 글로벌 금융 업계의 이목은 당시 보고된 여러 결함 중 ‘오탐(false positives)’으로 쏠렸습니다. *오탐(False Positive): 잘못
In recent years, solar panels have become much more economical, and therefore more popular. But because of the curvature of the Earth, the angle at which you need to install the panels varies, depending on where you live. In this example, I demonstrate how to visualize this kind of data
David Loshin explores considerations for organizations gradually making the transition to Hadoop.
Conversations around equity in education are at a fever pitch. Decades of research show that students of color and low-income students are disproportionately taught by less effective or more inexperienced teachers. Civil rights leaders encouraged the Obama administration to require states to develop Equity Plans to ensure that every student
Ensemble methods are commonly used to boost predictive accuracy by combining the predictions of multiple machine learning models. The traditional wisdom has been to combine so-called “weak” learners. However, a more modern approach is to create an ensemble of a well-chosen collection of strong yet diverse models. Building powerful ensemble models
Are you caught up in the machine learning forecasting frenzy? Is it reality or more hype? There's been a lot of hype about using machine learning for forecasting. And rightfully so, given the advancements in data collection, storage, and processing along with technology improvements, such as super computers and more powerful
The US unemployment rate was down to 4.4% in April, which is the lowest we've seen since before the big recession (about 10 years ago). But a single number seldom tells the whole story, so let's look at unemployment data in several different ways, to get a more complete picture...
Wirtschaftskriminelle Handlungen zu entdecken und zu verhindern, ist ein kontinuierlicher Prozess, dessen Optimierung der Versicherung finanzielle Vorteile verschafft und Reputationsschäden verhindert. Eine entscheidende Rolle spielen dabei vor allem die Prävention und eine optimierte Identifikation von Betrugsversuchen durch fortgeschrittene analytische Verfahren. Die meisten der im Betrug durch Vermittler anzutreffenden Handlungen manifestieren
Der Interpretationsspielraum zwischen „Bean Counter“ und „Business Partner“ ist immens. Nicht umsonst sind die Meinungen sehr unterschiedlich, welcher konzeptionelle Controlling-Ansatz der „richtige“ ist. Nicht nur in der Wissenschaft, sondern auch in der Praxis findet man deutliche Unterschiede vor, welches Selbstverständnis das Controlling in den Unternehmen hat. Ich möchte heute jedoch
The April 2017 issue of Significance magazine features a cover story by Robert Langkjaer-Bain about the Flint (Michigan) water crisis. For those who don't know, the Flint water crisis started in 2014 when the impoverished city began using the Flint River as a source of city water. The water was
Deep learning made the headlines when the UK’s AlphaGo team beat Lee Sedol, holder of 18 international titles, in the Go board game. Go is more complex than other games, such as Chess, where machines have previously crushed famous players. The number of potential moves explodes exponentially so it wasn’t
Phil Simon looks at AWS's evolution before making some predictions about the future of Hadoop.