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I recently blogged about how to compute the area of the convex hull of a set of planar points. This article discusses the expected value of the area of the convex hull for n random uniform points in the unit square. The article introduces an exact formula (due to Buchta,
Higher Education has been slow to adopt analytics in comparison to the commercial sector, but those institutions that have embraced a culture of analytics have seen significant and tangible results. Higher Education analytics can help in nearly every corner of academia including enrollment and retention, student success, academic research and
Joseph Castle offers some important considerations that will help you when building and working in an OSS community.
Movimientos y acuerdos internacionales, derivados de preocupaciones sobre el deterioro ambiental, social y el impacto del cambio climático, han buscado el compromiso de los países, las empresas y la sociedad para tomar mayor participación y modificar la inercia actual a fin de frenar y revertir, en lo posible, sus efectos
Childbirth should be a safe and joyous occasion as parents welcome a new member into their family. Still, too often, that joy is overshadowed by maternal complications, including maternal and infant death. Each year in the United States, as many as 60,000 women experience severe, unexpected health problems related to
Okay, I know what you’re thinking, protective eyewear is not the latest trend hitting the runway this Fall! But perhaps it should be. Did you know that 90% of the eye injuries each year (over 2.5 million world wide per the American Academy of Ophthalmology) could be prevented with protective
The area of a convex hull enables you to estimate the area of a compact region from a set of discrete observations. For example, a biologist might have multiple sightings of a wolf pack and want to use the convex hull to estimate the area of the wolves' territory. A
For many countries, their plan for the future focuses on a transition to a smart jobs economy. And for many organisations, the key to thriving in an innovative jobs economy centres on bringing talented individuals—with a particular focus on technology—and connecting them with roles that best utilise their talents. Talent
SAS' Bahar Biller and Xi Jiang use the example of a semiconductor manufacturing plant to illustrate the role of sensitivity analysis in assessing supply chain risk.
SAS SQL handles missing values differently than the ANSI standard for SQL. PROC SQL follows the SAS convention for handling missing values: numerical missing values are always interpreted as less or smaller than all nonmissing values. My first blog showed that missing values can be troublemakers in non-grouped descriptive statistics.
Every year, I write a special article for Halloween in which I show a SAS programming TRICK that is a real TREAT! This year, the trick is to concatenate two strings into a single string in a way that guarantees you can always recover the original strings. I learned this
With dynamically changing revenue streams, critical infrastructure needs and current higher-than-average gas prices and inflation concerns, transportation agencies around the country are using data to enable analytically driven decisions while navigating complex business challenges. Today's transportation industry is ripe with opportunities for innovation and growth. And this is especially true
I will show you how to deploy multi-stage deep learning (DL) models in SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) and leverage ESP on Edge via Docker containers to identify events of interest.
A digitalização acelerada ao longo dos anos desde a Covid-19 deixou alguns legados para organizações, e a importância de construir uma cultura baseada em dados está entre eles. Afinal, dados impulsionaram a criação de novos modelos de negócio, mas também transformaram a forma pela qual empresas operam, administram seus talentos
고객의 데이터를 분석하여 고객 성향 및 선호도를 이해하고, 이를 활용해 마케팅 업무를 효율화하고자 하는 노력은 90년대 데이터베이스 마케팅, 2000년대 분석 CRM, 최근의 퍼포먼스, 그로스 마케팅까지 계속적으로 진화하고 있습니다. 멀티채널에서 쏟아지는 고객의 온/오프라인 데이터를 통합, 분석하여 마이크로 타겟팅 마케팅은 기본적으로 고객 성향 예측 모형(Customer Propensity Model)을 기반으로 수행되고 있습니다. 디지털채널을 중심으로