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Tal y como comentamos durante el evento realizado con Expansión y McKinsey en nuestras oficinas, en el contexto de incertidumbre actual, las aseguradoras han tenido que subirse al tren de la digitalización para seguir creciendo. La crisis del COVID como acelerador de la digitalización en el sector seguros En un
If you have ever needed to score a multiple-choice test, this blog is for you. Even if you are not planning to score a test, the techniques used in this example are useful for many other programming tasks. The example I am going to present assumes the answer key and
For some, knowing what you want to do for a job comes very early in life. These people define their purpose and that calling crystallizes in their formative years during schooling and the pathway from education into the workforce feels linear. For many others, finding what they want to do
SAS' Bahar Biller expounds on the idea that stochastic simulations are large-data generation programs for highly complex and dynamic stochastic systems.
Well SAS, you outdid yourselves once again! For 10 years, we've been collecting and donating leftover and excess Halloween candy from SAS families. We challenged you to raise the {candy} bar once again this year...and man did you do that, tipping the scales at 480 pounds of candy which brings
대표적인 오픈소스인 R, 파이썬 사용자들이 SAS 제품의 성능과 장점을 쉽게 활용할 수 있는 방법은 무엇일까요? 오픈소스 사용자들은 SAS에 어떻게 접근을 해서 어떠한 결과물을 만들어낼 수 있을까요? 데이터 분석에 대한 가장 폭넓은 시각과 라이프사이클 솔루션을 보유한 SAS만의 데이터분석 능력을 오픈 소스를 선호하는 R, 파이썬 사용자들도 쉽게 활용할 수 있는 방법을 소개해
A previous article describes how to use SAS IML software to construct common covariance structures that are encountered in mixed models. Each covariance matrix has several parameters, and you want to construct a matrix for any choice of the parameters. After you have constructed the covariance matrix, you can use
I guess it started even before Finn, my 22-year-old, was born. My sisters and I agreed to put our holiday budgets towards buying things for our parents that they needed rather than gifts for each other. One year it was a new mattress, one year a dryer, it was utilitarian,
The landscape of supply chains has changed rapidly due to unforeseen disruptions. These changes include supply chain bottlenecks, inflation and geopolitical activities across retail and consumer goods industries. Retail supply chains are under immense pressure to keep up with these rapid changes. Innovators have been quick to take advantage of
Das Jahr 2022 neigt sich dem Ende zu. Es war geprägt von zahlreichen bewegenden Momenten und Ereignissen. In Folge kam es zu teilweise gravierenden Veränderungen, die noch bis vor kurzem für Politik und Gesellschaft undenkbar waren. Aber auch an den internationalen Finanzmärkten haben veränderte Risikoeinschätzungen „der Zeitenwende 2022“ ihren Abdruck
증가하는 AI 시스템 구축 최근 AI 시스템 구축에 관한 기사들을 많이 볼 수 있습니다. 국민은행의 AI 보이스피싱 모니터링 시스템, 심평원의 인공지능(AI)을 이용한 과잉 진료 단속 시스템, 우리은행의 무역 기반 자금세탁방지(Anti-TBML) 시스템, 대우건설의 AI 기반 입찰 데이터 분석 시스템, 그리고 갤러리아 백화점의 AI 기반 백화점 맞춤서비스 등 매우 다양합니다. 이러한 AI
Uno de los escenarios típicos que he encontrado en el sector industrial para la adopción de la analítica es que las empresas establecen una unidad de negocio dedicada exclusivamente a la transformación digital. Con frecuencia, este es el primer paso para abordar no solamente la analítica, sino todas las tecnologías
Welcome back to my SAS Users blog series CAS Action! - a series on fundamentals. In my previous post CAS-Action! Simple Frequency Tables - Part 1, I reviewed how to use the simple.freq CAS action to generate frequency distributions for one or more columns using the distributed CAS server. In this post
I always emphasize efficiency in statistical programming. I have previously written about why you should never multiply with a large diagonal matrix in the SAS IML language. The reason is that it is more efficient to use elementwise multiplication than matrix multiplication. Specifically, if d is a column vector, then
SAS 바이야(Viya)의 자동 머신 러닝으로 현업 담당자도 손쉽게 데이터 분석 가능 인공지능(AI)과 머신 러닝(ML)이 등장하기 시작한 약 10 여 년 전부터 Data Science 영역이 많은 주목을 받게 되었고, 이에 따라 급여가 높고 장래성이 있는 매력적인 직업으로서 Data Scientist의 인기가 한층 높아지고 있습니다. Data Scientist의 역할을 제대로 수행하기 위해서는 컴퓨터 프로그램