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Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Broken Y-Axis with SAS 9.2

In the previous post on Broken Y-Axis, I reviewed different ways to display data as a Bar Chart, where the response values for some categories are many orders of magnitude larger than the other values.  These tall bars force  the display of other values to be squeezed down thus making it harder to compare

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Broken Y-Axis

Often we want to display data as a bar chart where a few observations have large values compared to the rest.  Comparison between the smaller values becomes hard as the small bars are squeezed by the tall bars.  Here is an example data, and a bar chart showing the data. The large values

Learn SAS
Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: scatterplots of ice cream consumption

This week's SAS tip features scatterplots of ice cream data. Geoff Der and Brain Everitt and their book Basic Statistics Using SAS Enterprise Guide offer up many intriguing examples. Besides analyzing ice cream consumption, the authors use heights and resting pulse rates, horse race winners, and brain tumors to illustrate statistical techniques. Emphasizing the practical

Learn SAS
Shelley Sessoms 0
Looking for writers on drug development

It's something that's important to almost every human being: drug development. But it's doubly important for those who work in the pharmaceutical industry: their lives depend on it, but so does their livelihood. SAS Press is looking for books that discuss best practices, guidelines, and examples around SAS Drug Development.

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