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Data Management | Data Visualization
Vincent Cotte 0
Overcoming the Top Four Challenges to More Effective Decision Making With Data Visualisation

Our recent innovations into Data Visualisation have led us to be inundated and involved in lots of conversations with customers and prospects looking to benefit from the marriage of advanced analytics, visualisation, data management and simplicity. Greg and Minh delved into the benefits that this marriage can yield and why data visualisation should form an

Data Visualization
Guido Oswald 0
Business Intelligence 2013 – Was Analysten erwarten und warum Visual Analytics alles kann!

Boris Evelson ist nicht irgendein Branchenkenner: Der Analyst ist vielleicht der BI Experte bei Forrester! Wie schon oft zuvor schaut er auch 2013 in die Glaskugel und trifft Voraussagen, welche Themen in diesem Jahr dominieren werden. Beim Lesen seines Artikels ist mir klar geworden, wie gut SAS® Visual Analytics den eigentlich erst noch

SAS Events
Rick Mitchell 0
A day to celebrate

Yes, it’s February 15 and plenty of people celebrated yesterday for obvious reasons; Valentine’s Day.  But today, SAS Global Forum is celebrating for other reasons.  It’s not about flowers, candy and love notes for us this week– it’s about content, content and more content.  That’s right – we’re celebrating today

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