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SAS Global Forum 2013 is a couple weeks in the past, but the feedback and anticipation shared by customers as they heard about SAS 9.4 are still fresh in our minds here at SAS. As we put the final touches on the June release, the excitement we felt in San
The PharmaSUG 2013 conference in Chicago this week was awesome. From the perspective of graphics, there was great interest in using SG Procedures, Designer and GTL for building clinical graphs. It was nice to see many papers by users on how they are using these tools for creating graphs on a daily

A few months ago I released the Copy Files task for use with SAS Enterprise Guide. The task allows you to transfer any files between your PC and a SAS Workspace session, much like an FTP process. It doesn't rely on FTP though; it uses a combination of SAS code,

Are you an NFL fan, or curious about analyzing social media data? -- Well, in either case, this blog's for you! I recently read a fascinating Facebook article that included a U.S. county map showing which NFL (U.S. football) team had the most 'likes' in each county (based on ~35 million
We’re just coming back from SAS Global Forum, and what a show! SAS Books was there to provide users with the highest-quality resources for learning SAS, and our users were there to tell us what new books they were most looking forward to reading. Kevin Smith's PROC TEMPLATE Made Easy:

As we have seen my previous post "Seeing SAS data through metadata", there is a fundamental difference between accessing a SAS library using a physical reference or a metadata reference to that library. By now, you should now be an expert on the nuances of physical references to SAS data

Brauchen Sie noch Argumente für Big-Data-Anwendungen? Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung und gestern der Spiegel greifen das Thema auf und beleuchten Big Data mit Hinweis auf die positiven Aspekte der Technologie. Spätestens mit der Titelgeschichte im Spiegel ist Big Data bei der breiten Gesellschaft angekommen. Gerade der aktuelle Spiegel-Aufmacher wirkt

Ever heard your grandmother say when you were little: If you have your heart set in the right place, you can achieve anything you set out to do! That’s what SAS users tried to do at SAS Global Forum 2013 held at Moscone West, San Francisco. The conference had a

Do you remember when CPU time was a high-priced commodity? "Today, if you are any good at what you do, the constrained resource is you," says Timothy Berryhill from Wells Fargo. Berryhill has years of experience with SAS on "many platforms and operating systems." He says there are several things
The SAS Global Forum conference last week was awesome. From the perspective of graphics, there were more papers from uses on graphics and ODS graphics then in recent times. I will post a summary shortly. One of the interesting papers was "#113-2013 - Creating Clark Error Grid using SAS/GRAPH and Annotate..."

In today's fast-paced, jam-packed work day, many people answer email and read reports after business hours. And more and more, they're doing those things on a smartphone or tablet. How are your users accessing and using your reports? Statistics South Africa has found that their end-users would prefer a mobile

Even though it's been around for well over a decade, SAS Enterprise Guide was still a hot topic among attendees at SAS Global Forum this year. In the Technology Connection -- the big session on Monday morning -- SAS R&D staff used the conference agenda content to demonstrate the power

Uli Hoeneß steht im Verdacht, Steuern am deutschen Fiskus vorbei über die Schweiz hinterzogen zu haben. Politiker, Sportler und Medien stürzen sich auf ihn und zerlegen den Mythos des erfolgreichen Managers. Viele schwanken zwischen Enttäuschung über die Anschuldigen eines honorigen Prominenten, Schadenfreude, dass es auch einmal einen der Reichen erwischt

Google holds the gold standard for maps and we have heard our users loud and clear. SAS will introduce enhanced mapping features in SAS Visual Analytics Explorer, SAS/GRAPH®, and other products.

In my last blog, I discussed the growing commitment among governors to infrastructure investment, and to coming up with innovative ways to find dollars to fund the needed improvements to the transportation network. I heard it over and over again during the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting in January