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"Food choices not only directly influence our health, but profoundly influence the health of the planet." There are many reasons why buying local foods is the best way to go! Here are just a few: 1. Local Food Tastes Better When you are shopping at a farmers market or picking
SAS Global Forum is like a BIG buffet of SAS knowledge, all served up in just a few days. There are so many good presentations and activities, but you cannot fit them all on your plate. You have to choose. To make the choices easier, the SAS Global Forum committee
I've previously described how to overlay two or more density curves on a single plot. I've also written about how to use PROC SGPLOT to overlay custom curves on a graph. This article describes how to overlay a density curve on a histogram. For common distributions, you can overlay a
Sometimes, it is good to start with a confession. I filed my taxes at the last minute. It was past time to get some money back from the IRS before they could waste $60,000 on another Star Trek spoof video. Normally I'm one of those people that files in February,
Even if you cannot attend SAS Global Forum next week, you can experience it virtually via the Livestream sessions. This year I will reprise my role as host of SAS Tech Talks, a pair of live webcasts that feature SAS R&D professionals and their latest technological wares. Click "play" on
True to its central theme "Strength in Numbers", SAS Global Forum 2013 is opening conference doors even wider this year and welcoming the SAS community to participate wherever you are. So sit back and enjoy the show!
The 2013 SAS Global Forum is around the corner in San Francisco and the anticipation is building. Early indications are that attendee registration is up from last year, and we are looking forward to a great conference starting Sunday, April 28. It is great to see the large and diverse offering
Der Markt der Krankenkassen ist ein ganz besonderer. Und in jedem Land unterschiedlich. Mindestens in der Schweiz ist es so, dass die obligatorische Grundversicherung jährlich jeweils auf Ende des Monats November gekündigt werden kann. Da die Leistungen faktisch genau die gleichen sind, ist dies primär ein Preiskampf aus Sicht der
I’ve attended many trade shows and conferences in my career, but there is nothing like a user conference. I feel that way because I’ve been working with SAS and DataFlux users for over eight years. Or maybe it’s because I helped plan the DataFlux users event again and again. Nonetheless,
If you're a SAS administrator and haven't registered or planned your agenda for SAS Global Forum 2013, here are a few key happenings to tempt you!
Wer kennt das nicht, diesen Gedanken auf der Autobahn, wenn man lauter rote Bremslichter sieht: Was wollen die alle ausgerechnet hier?! Dabei hat man doch selbst alles richtig gemacht im Vorfeld. Morgens früh aufgestanden. Wetterbericht kurz nochmal gecheckt. Grünes Licht: Blue Sky ist angesagt, Neuschnee über Nacht. Hinzu kommt: Kein
In the SAS User Groups LinkedIn group, some generous "old timers" offer tips to the potentially shy newcomers for connecting with other SAS professionals at SAS Global Forum. Perhaps these folks remember their own introverted natures, and they want to encourage attendees to get the most out of their conference
The conference is less than a month away and I am excited to travel to SAS Global Forum. It seems like just yesterday when I accepted the responsibility of being the conference chair, I was full of ideas and aspirations for what I envisioned at this conference. Fortunately, all these
Well really, the gumption, you’re probably thinking—sharing tips with seasoned SAS Global Forum participants! I’m excited beyond measure, thrilled and a little nervous to be presenting in San Francisco. Yes, I know I’m a Global Forum first-timer, but with your permission, I’d like to offer some tips that I've found
Welcome to Part 3 of the value-added Myth Busters blog series. I have heard a variation of this many times. “Why shouldn’t educators just use a simple gains approach or a pre- and post-test? They can trust simpler methodologies because they can replicate and understand them more easily.” Simple growth measures