Congratulations to the Best Contributed Paper winners at SAS Global Forum


First of all, congratulations to everyone who presented at SAS Global Forum 2013. Your hard work and contributions are what make it a success each year.

Even though SAS Global Forum 2013 has come and gone, all of the papers and presentations are still available online. Out of this fantastic group of submissions, only a handful can be awarded Best Contributed Paper. Each of these winning papers represents the very best in its category as a can’t-miss insight into the world of SAS and SAS software.

Read, learn and enjoy!

Applications Development - Best Contributed Paper

Macro Quoting to the Rescue: Passing Special Characters
Mary Rosenbloom, Art Carpenter

Applied Business Intelligence - Best Contributed Paper

Escape from Big Data Restrictions by Leveraging Advanced OLAP Cube Techniques
Stephen Overton

Beyond the Basics - Best Contributed Paper

RUN_MACRO Run! With PROC FCMP and the RUN_MACRO Function from SAS® 9.2, Your SAS® Programs Are All Grown Up
Dylan Ellis

Data Management - Best Contributed Paper

SAS® Data Integration Studio: The 30-Day Plan
John Heaton

Data Mining and Text Analytics - Best Contributed Paper

Using Classification and Regression Trees (CART) in SAS® Enterprise Miner™ for Applications in Public Health
Leonard Gordon

Honorable Mention

Variable Reduction in SAS® by Using Weight of Evidence and Information Value
Alec Lin

Foundations and Fundamentals - Best Contributed Paper

Don’t Let a Bad Date Ruin Your Day: Dealing with Invalid Dates in SAS
Lucheng Shao

Pharma and Healthcare - Best Contributed Paper

Estimating Patient Adherence to Medication with Electronic Health Records Data and Pharmacy Claims Combined
Beinan Zhao, Eric Wong, Lathan Palaniappan 

Planning and Support - Best Contributed Paper

Communicating Standards: A Code Review Experience
David Scocca

Posters - Best Contributed Paper

Gee! No GTL! Visualizing Data with the SAS Graph Template Language
Ted Conway

Quick Tips - Best Contributed Paper

Graph Your SAS® Off
Karena Kong

Reporting and Information Visualization - Best Contributed Paper

A Concise Display of Multiple Response Items
Patrick Thornton

SAS® Enterprise Guide® - Implementation and Usage - Best Contributed Paper

Destination Known: Programmatically Controlling Your Output in SAS® Enterprise Guide®
Aaron Hill

Statistics and Data Analysis - Best Contributed Paper

Multilevel Reweighted Regression Models to Estimate County-Level Racial Health Disparities Using PROC GLIMMIX
Melody S. Goodman, Lucy D’Agostino

Systems Architecture - Best Contributed Paper

SAS® Release Management and Version Control
John Heaton


About Author

Natalie Meyer

Administrative Support Student


  1. Pingback: Take a second look! Best papers Global Forum 2013 - SAS Users Groups

  2. Pingback: 5 Reasons to attend MWSUG - SAS Users Groups

  3. Pingback: Don’t trust the data: Advice from Best Paper winners - SAS Users Groups

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