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Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Rick Wicklin 0
The joy of sets

The fundamental operations on sets are union, intersection, and set difference, all of which are supported directly in the SAS IML language. While studying another programming language, I noticed that the language supports an additional operation, namely the symmetric difference between two sets. The language also supports query functions to

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Min-Gi Cho 0
[AML 시리즈 #3] 차세대 AML(Anti-Money Laundering) 솔루션에서 지원하는 행동 모델과 자동 선별 기능

앞선 두번의 연재를 통해 자금세탁 방지 기술이 향후 어떤 방식으로 발전되어갈 것인지, 금융기관이 현재 운영중인 자금세탁 환경을 앞으로 어떻게 변화시켜 나가야 하는지를 살펴보았습니다. 이를 위해 SAS는 ‘AML Compliance Analytics Maturity Model’을 제시했고, Maturity Model의 단계를 소개함으로써 현재 각 금융기관이 AML을 위해 내부적으로 어느 정도 데이터 분석을 적용하고 있는지에 대한 자체

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data for Good | Internet of Things
Emily Johnson 0
Protecting the planet: 7 ways analytics supports sustainability

Analytics are vital to a safer future. As a renowned sustainability leader, SAS is committed to making a positive impact on our customers, employees, and the planet. Climate change is more important than ever, and the explosion of big data is essential to navigating this crisis. Learn how analytics is

Analytics | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Rick Wicklin 0
Should you use the Wald confidence interval for a binomial proportion?

The "Teacher’s Corner" of The American Statistician enables statisticians to discuss topics that are relevant to teaching and learning statistics. Sometimes, the articles have practical relevance, too. Andersson (2023) "The Wald Confidence Interval for a Binomial p as an Illuminating 'Bad' Example," is intended for professors and masters-level students in

Analytics | SAS Events | Work & Life at SAS
Sandra Hernandez 0
Las claves para tener más mujeres WOW, líderes e innovadoras en Latinoamérica

Mujeres como la Viceministra de Transformación Digital de Colombia, Nohora Mercado; la presidenta de Aval Digital Labs, Ana Margarita Albir; la COO de Banco Pichincha en Ecuador, Lorena Moya; y Silvina Arce Gil, del Grupo Falabella Chile; fueron algunas de las invitadas especiales que este año nos acompañaron en SAS

Advanced Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
La importancia de un sistema transversal en la prevención de delitos financieros

Las organizaciones enfrentan, cada vez más, el desafío de prevenir y detectar los delitos financieros cometidos por sus clientes o usuarios. A menudo, estos delitos son el resultado de la combinación de diferentes modus operandi utilizados por los delincuentes. La falta de un sistema transversal que permita conectar la información

Analytics | Learn SAS | Students & Educators | Work & Life at SAS
Ariane Liger-Belair 0
SAS Spring Campus – une transition en douceur vers la vie professionnelle

Vous vous rappelez ce premier jour du reste de votre vie professionnelle ? Vous avez fini les cours, les examens, ces années d’organisation libre. Tout d’un coup, vous devez intégrer une entreprise. Comprendre le fonctionnement du monde corporate, avec toutes ses particularités. Cela peut être source d’angoisse – et c’est la

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Thorsten Hein 0
Navigating what keeps insurance executives awake at night

Insurers, chief financial officers (CFOs) and actuaries will face overwhelming changes and challenges in the year ahead. These include compliance with new regulatory and solvency standards, pricing insurance premiums in line with inflation and other economic factors, addressing climate risk and ESG concerns, and adapting to new technologies. The impact

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