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Four authors. Four papers. One set of data. The month of August and the 2014 Call for Content are just around the corner, and this seems like a good time to share a little inspiration and innovation. The Foundations and Fundamentals paper section at SAS Global Forum 2013 featured a four-part

Jede Branche und jeder Fachbereich kann und wird von Analytics profitieren. Doch jeweils ein wenig anders. Wie Sie bislang ungenutzte Erkenntnispotenziale in ihren Datenbergen heben können, erfahren Sie am 11. und 12. September 2013 in Mannheim. Das SAS Forum 2013 ist nicht nur die größte, sondern auch die individuellste Konferenz

Every programming language has an IF-THEN statement that branches according to whether a Boolean expression is true or false. In SAS, the IF-THEN (or IF-THEN/ELSE) statement evaluates an expression and braches according to whether the expression is nonzero (true) or zero (false). The basic syntax is if numeric-expression then do-computation;

Conventional or Organic? That is the question. Research varies about whether organic foods are healthier than conventional foods. However, one of the biggest arguments for buying organic is in regards to pesticide exposure. Convincing evidence is revealing that the pesticides we eat, drink and inhale are stored in our bodies

On the Web site for the book Statistical Programming with SAS/IML Software, I provide instructions on how to download the sample data sets and install them so that they can be used from within SAS/IML Studio. When I wrote the book I did not anticipate that SAS users might want

In my last post, I introduced the hardware solutions (such as a virtual IP switch or IP load balancer) that enable client applications to access services regardless of whether they are running on a primary or a failover server in a grid-enabled environment configured with high availability. In this post,

When I work on SAS projects that create lots of files as results, it's often a requirement that those files be organized in a certain folder structure. The exact structure depends on the project, but here's an example: /results |__ html |__ images |__ xls |__ data Before you can

Der Countdown läuft: Noch wenige Tage gilt für das SAS Forum 2013 der Frühbuchertarif. Teilnehmer, die sich bis zum 10. Juli registrieren, sparen 500 Euro für ihren Besuch von Europas größter Analytics-Konferenz. Am 11. und 12. September 2013 schildern Experten, Strategen und Anwender aus unterschiedlichen Branchen in mehr als 70

Many SAS Enterprise Guide users practically live in the Query Builder. For those who understand their data tables, the Query Builder provides a tremendous amount of flexibility to pull and manipulate data. The Query Builder produces SQL programs behind the scenes, which translates well for database-centric work. Sometimes a complex

Unverändert finden im Umfeld der Marken, Medien und Märkte die vielleicht größten Wandlungsprozesse statt, mit denen vor allem konsumentenorientierte Unternehmen konfrontiert sind. Big-Data-Herausforderungen, die neue Customer Journey sowie die Auflösung der klassischen Trennung von Massenmedien und Dialogkommunikation werfen zwangsläufig die Frage auf, welche Infrastruktur die Marketingorganisation heute braucht. Folgerichtig bildet

In Klammergriff von gesättigten Märkten, Dauerniedrigzins und Überregulierung hätten Banker viele Gründe zur Klage. Wo noch Geld verdienen? Wie dem Wettbewerb die Stirn bieten, wenn hochqualifizierte Mitarbeiter sich nur noch mit Regulierungsanforderungen beschäftigen? Wie noch die komplizierten Kunden von heute erreichen? Trotzdem wird auf dem SAS Forum 2013 nicht lamentiert.

This question comes up often when we’re working with SAS customers to configure their underlying storage arrays: “When is solid-state storage appropriate for SAS applications?” Solid-state drives, or SSDs, are the latest and greatest thing in storage today because they boast extremely fast performance. In this post, I’ll outline how
Recently a user chimed in on the SAS Communities page, requesting a way to add some observation level annotation to a box plot. Wendy was delighted to see a graph created by the UNIVARIATE procedure called "Schematic Plot". In this graph, the box plot of the analysis variable is shown with

Every programmer may dread the thought of a colleague peeking over his or her shoulder, double-checking code, but SAS Global Forum paper winner David Scocca has offered his tips for making code reviews a painless process. His paper, Communicating Standards: A Code Review Experience, is a must-read. Here’s a peek

How do you count the number of unique rows in a matrix? The simplest algorithm is to sort the data and then iterate down the rows, comparing each row with the previous row. However, this algorithm has two shortcomings: it physically sorts the data (which means that the original locations