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À medida que os riscos continuam a evoluir, também aumenta a necessidade de análise de dados avançada para entender e gerenciar problemas que podem estar no horizonte No cenário de negócios atual, a tríade meio ambiente, social e governança (ESG, na sigla em inglês) está cada vez mais próxima do
Have you ever wondered what it takes to break the mold, transcend boundaries and reach for the stars? Ozan Varol, a rocket scientist turned professor and bestselling author, knows a bit about that. Varol stopped by SAS Explore in Las Vegas and used his creativity and critical thinking expertise to
When tech experts want to hear directly from thought leaders in the industry, they turn to theCUBE for professionally produced interviews from wherever the global enterprise tech community is gathering. During SAS Explore in Las Vegas, theCUBE stopped by the Innovation Hub to interview a few SAS leaders and get their take
금융 사기 설문 응답자 3분의 2가 금융 사기 경험이 있거나 더 철저한 보안을 원할 경우 이용 업체를 전환하겠다고 응답 보안 인증에 생체정보 활용 선호, 보안 강화 위해 개인 정보 공유 허용 SAS가 최근 16개국 13,500명의 소비자를 대상으로 한 설문조사(Faces of Fraud: Consumer Experiences with Fraud and What It Means for
Las organizaciones saben que modernizarse es una tarea continua y una condición para seguir compitiendo y creciendo en sus respectivos mercados. Cómo abordar el proceso de modernización, sin embargo, requiere una planeación minuciosa, y no está exento de desafíos. Más aún cuando involucra la adopción de tecnologías y procesos de
Desde a pandemia, temos ouvido cada vez mais a palavra resiliência. Segundo os dicionários, o termo representa a capacidade de se recobrar facilmente ou se adaptar à má sorte ou às mudanças. É a síntese da rápida adaptação ou recuperação. E disso o brasileiro entende muito bem, não é mesmo?
Mucho se ha hablado de la importancia que tiene la capacidad de adaptación en las empresas y sus líderes. Se han desarrollado cursos, talleres e implementado diversas fórmulas, sin embargo, recientemente se ha ubicado que el análisis de datos contribuye mayormente a prever y contrarrestar riesgos. Así lo señalan el
La digitalización del sector asegurador ha transformado la manera en que estas compañías ofrecen sus servicios. Las nuevas necesidades de los clientes, que ahora son más digitales y, por tanto, demandan rapidez, autenticidad y personalización en todos los servicios que utilizan, han impulsado un sector considerado hasta este momento tradicional.
This month, at SAS Institute, we are celebrating and providing education on the topic of menopause! Last week, I had the honor of presenting a seminar on movement, especially as it relates to maintaining and building stronger bones. This week, I offered a yoga workshop which was a calm, restorative
The massive disruptions of the last few years have made clear how critical it is for businesses to be resilient. Some companies flexed successfully with the changes, while others have struggled to keep up. If you’re wondering how your company can boost its resilience for the road ahead, you’re not
The other day I was trying to numerically integrate the function f(x) = sin(x)/x on the domain [0,∞). The graph of this function is shown to the right. In SAS, you can use the QUAD subroutine in SAS IML software to perform numerical integration. Some numerical integrators have difficulty computing
Could lithium, copper, nickel and magnesium become more valuable than oil and gas? The World Bank expects the demand for these materials to increase by 500% by 2050. Known as critical raw materials (CRMs), they are hard to replace and are essential in our transition to renewable energy. Solar panels
Recently my manager, Dana Aderhold, shared this Psychology Today post that tackles myths of workplace mental health. She highlighted this sentence on the concept of managers serving as brokers of supportive resources: “You do not need to be a therapist to your team—a best practice is to be a broker
Los modelos analíticos de cliente son utilizados por las empresas para mejorar el conocimiento sobre su público objetivo, necesidades, comportamientos y, en general, anticipar sus movimientos. La utilización de esta información en modelos analíticos nos permitirá descubrir patrones de comportamiento en los clientes. Una vía de optimizar los modelos
National Institute on Drug Abuse research shows that an estimated 65% percent of the United States prison population has an active substance use disorder (SUD). Another 20% percent did not meet the official criteria for an SUD but were under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of