SAS Events

Read stories about the SAS events and discover SAS in a variety of formats. Whether meeting in person, watching online or listening from your home or office, check out the events SAS has to offer. 

SAS Events
Kathy Council 0
My challenge to you

As summer comes to an end, I find myself getting excited about some of the regional user group conferences that take place every fall. This year, I’ll be presenting a paper at WUSS (Western Users of SAS Software) in Long Beach, CA, in early September. About one week later, I’m

SAS Events
Dylan Sweetwood 0
SUG Road Trip! WUSS in Long Beach, CA

It’s that time of year again! The leaves are turning, the days are getting shorter, and all across the country, SAS users are getting ready for the annual users group conferences. To get people excited about the upcoming events, I’ll be hitting the road—metaphorically, at least—and virtually visiting each of

SAS Events
Waynette Tubbs 0
SESUG junior professional grants

SESUG (Southeast SAS Users Group Conference) is an annual conference held in the Southeast US - typically in September or October. This year, the conference will be held at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel and Convention Center in Durham, North Carolina, October 14-16.   According to Peter Eberhardt, SESUG 2012 Academic Chair, the

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