Blend, cleanse and prepare data for analytics, reporting or data modernization efforts
Avoid frustrations by following these 5 tips from David Loshin to create a successful data management strategy for analytics.
Blend, cleanse and prepare data for analytics, reporting or data modernization efforts
Avoid frustrations by following these 5 tips from David Loshin to create a successful data management strategy for analytics.
Better decisions and analytics innovation – fringe benefits of having comprehensive data governance policies.
I peruse many different websites to get my news, and I always keep an eye out for good (or bad) presentations of data. I recently saw a posting on reddit claiming "U.S. GDP is greater than the total of all others combined." This news seemed too good to be true
Data-Science-Plattformen müssen vielen Anforderungen gerecht werden. Ihre Aufgaben sind relativ genau definiert – und die Erwartungen, die Unternehmen mitbringen, oft sehr hoch. Darüber hinaus sind die Anwendergruppen alles andere als homogen. Dieser Blog erläutert, was insbesondere IT-Entscheider erwarten. Was ist eine Data-Science-Plattform? Die Antwort ist einfach: Sie dient dazu, Erkenntnisse
In many movies, there is often a scene where the star says "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way" (and the hard way usually involves quite a bit of pain). So it is with interrogations ... and so it is with writing SAS code! Today I'm
If you need more than just well-mixed data, take a look at data preparation from SAS.
@philsimon chimes in about how success in one area can lead to success in another.
La analítica avanzada y sus beneficios crecen exponencialmente con la consolidación de la economía digital y la Cuarta Revolución Industrial, dos componentes sin los cuales el desarrollo de nuestra sociedad y de los negocios como los conocemos no sería posible. Los millones de datos que se producen bajo estas condiciones hace
Of course you know how to create graphs ... But do you often find that preparing the data to plot is often the hardest part? Well then, this blog post is for you! I'll be demonstrating how to import Excel data into SAS, transpose the data, use what were formerly column
Joyce Norris-Montanari shares tips to help those who are still working to address GDPR requirements.
SAS batch jobs can generate many log files that accumulate over time. In this post, we present a SAS program that cleans up old log files on your system.
Like hiking without GPS directions, Jim Harris says businesses that don't use streaming data analytics will be lost in a crowd of competitors.
7월 11일은 2018년 ‘정보보호의 날’입니다. 2012년 정부 부처는 사이버 공격을 예방하고 정보보호를 생활화하기 위해 공동으로 법정 기념일을 제정했는데요. 최근 페이스북 정보 유출 사건이나 유럽 일반개인정보보호법(GDPR)의 시행 등 데이터 관련 이슈들이 이어지며 정보보호에 대한 대중의 관심도 점점 더 높아지고 있죠! 모바일, 사물인터넷(IoT), 클라우드 등 IT 기술의 발전과 함께 데이터는 빠르게 증가하고
David Loshin provides an alternate take on streaming data in the context of legacy systems.
Did you know that 80 percent of an analytics life cycle is time spent on data preparation? For many SAS users and administrators, data preparation is what you live and breathe day in and day out. Your analysis is only as good as your data, and that's why we wanted
In the second part of this series, Phil Simon argues that organizations can immediately take steps to handle likely legislation.
Joyce Norris-Montanari talks about how to implement data privacy policies, procedures and guidelines.
La economía digital surgió a raíz del avance de la tecnología en la informática y las telecomunicaciones. El último Modelo de Gestión de Riesgos de Seguridad Digital entregado por el Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones -MinTIC-, afirma que en los últimos 20 años el acceso a
Jim Harris says the GDPR may cause seismic changes in how people think of privacy and personal data.
Kim Kaluba explains why good customer data management starts with trusted data quality.
2018년 5월 25일 유럽 일반개인정보보호법(GDPR)이 발효됐습니다. 전 세계 수많은 기업과 기관이 GDPR에 어떻게 대응할 것인가에 대해 오랜 시간 논의해 왔고, 소프트웨어 제조 업체와 컨설팅 업체는 기업이 새로운 규제 요건을 보다 잘 충족할 수 있도록 솔루션과 접근 방식을 개발, 출시해왔습니다. GDPR이 시행된 후 불확실성이 점차 해소되면서 많은 기업이 GDPR을 개인 정보와
Para ser competitivos en el mercado actual es clave entender que el cliente es lo más importante. La omnicanalidad es, entonces, la estrategia más efectiva para que las compañías logren comunicarse y atender a sus consumidores en todos y cada uno de los canales en los que éstos hacen presencia.
GDPR requires more than a simple privacy policy update. David Loshin outlines changes needed in the data management environment.
Seguramente ha escuchado la siguiente afirmación: “Los datos son el alma de su organización”. Y realmente tiene sentido tanto para usted y muchos de sus colegas que están a cargo de tomar las decisiones en cuanto al rumbo que tomará el negocio y cómo dirigir mejor los productos y servicios
작은 정보 하나라도 범죄 조직 전체를 드러내는 실마리가 될 수 있습니다. 그렇지만 법 집행 환경은 점점 더 복잡해지고 있으며, 조사관은 유례 없이 많은 양의 데이터를 직면하고 있는데요. 조사나 인텔리전스 개발 활동의 핵심은 이러한 데이터에서 의미를 찾고 잘 드러나지 않는 연결고리를 이해하는 것입니다. 데이터와 분석은 행동으로 옮길 수 있는 인텔리전스를 식별하고 수사를
In this first of two posts, Phil Simon chimes in on the prospect of data protection regulation in the US.
SAS Viya is our latest extension of the SAS Platform and interoperable with SAS® 9.4. There were a number of SAS Viya presentations at SAS Global Forum 2018. In this series, we will review several of the most interesting talks. This post reviews Hadley Christoffels’ talk, A Need For Speed: Loading Data via the Cloud.
We all are now learning to live with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation. It has often been viewed as a challenge and a requirement, a box that needs to be ticked before everyone can get on with doing their day jobs again. Recently, however, I have noticed a slight change
Don't be a data hoarder. Jim Harris shares guidelines for a data retention strategy.
Im Gastbeitrag beschreibt Metacoda, wie die SAS Platform datenschutzkonform betrieben werden kann, und welche Tools dabei helfen. Sobald Unternehmen Kunden aus der Europäischen Union bedienen und deren persönliche Daten verarbeiten, muss zukünftig die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung, kurz DSGVO, eingehalten werden. Das sagt Ihnen nichts? Diese Grafik gibt einen ersten Überblick über die neue