Tag: analytics

Candace Inscoe 0
Analytics raises questions that lead to value

I recently talked with the director of analytic operations at a large office supply retailer who explained that his group is often approached with broad questions that they investigate historically and descriptively to help figure out where to go next. The broad questions often lead the retailer to learn things

Ericka Wilcher 0
Analytics vs the HiPPO?

Given the increasing role of analytics, are HiPPOS going the way of the dinosaur? According to the recent research from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, the answer is yes and no. Perhaps you’ve heard of the term HiPPO (Highest Paid Person in the Organization or Highest Paid Person’s Opinion) –

Scott VanValkenburgh 0
Deloitte in a big data world

What do SAS technology partners think about the “big data” craze? Is it real or hype? And if it's real, what skills do you need to embrace big data opportunities? At our upcoming events,  Analytics 2012 and The Premier Business Leadership Series, you’ll get the opportunity to ask these questions of our partners in

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Dylan Sweetwood 0
SAS loves math: Tonya Balan

A senior manager in the analytics product management group, Tonya Balan sees herself as a bridge between SAS customers and R&D, ensuring that SAS products stay relevant to the needs of the customer. With a background in statistics and experience as a college professor, Tonya shares her excellent advice and

Georgia Mariani 0
Best practice #10: publicize the system

We have come very far in our journey (I started this series in March) to the 10 best practices from education customers for information management, reporting and analytics. Lets’ recap our journey of the previous nine blogs: Securing executive sponsorship. Identifying and involving stakeholders early and assessing their unique needs.

Trent Smith 0
Will the world get the America it needs?

Michael Mandelbaum posed the question in the title of this post to a capacity crowd at last week's SAS Government Leadership Summit. Author of That Used to Be Us: How America Fell Behind in the World It Invented and How We Can Come Back, Mandelbaum gave the opening keynote address. Mandelbaum posited

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