Investment in AI is an obvious target for the insurance sector. Insurers have always been interested in technology that helps detect and prevent fraud and improve underwriting efficiency while speeding processes and reducing – or at least not increasing – costs. But what is the reality in this highly regulated
Tag: fraud prevention
A pandemia trouxe grandes desafios crónicos e específicos à atividade das autoridades tributárias – como os atrasos ou mesmo suspensão do pagamento de impostos, a necessidade da digitalização de processos, o repensar formas de tributar novas atividades resultantes de empresas que começaram então a operar digitalmente, etc. – que exigiram
In financial services, the onboarding journey takes on heightened significance. It’s not just about welcoming new customers—it’s about safeguarding their information, validating identity, mitigating risk, ensuring regulatory compliance, and making a great first impression. To achieve these goals, modernizing the decisioning process is crucial. In fact, decisioning lies at the
While no one currently alive witnessed the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution in mid-18th century Britain, we’re all now spectators and participants in the AI revolution – AI is accessible and entrenched everywhere. While AI is not new, 2023 ushered in a tsunami of AI innovation with the emergence of
Tem alguma noção de onde estão os seus dados? Provavelmente não, mas os fraudadores certamente que sim! A fraude pode não ser algo que pensemos todos os dias, mas a verdade é que pode afetar todas as áreas da nossa vida, daí a sua relevância. Anualmente, durante a Semana Internacional de
Na przestrzeni lat krajobraz oszustw przeszedł wiele transformacji, a techniki stosowane przez oszustów ewoluowały. Niektóre z trendów wykorzystywanych przez oszustów obejmują podszywanie się między innymi pod kurierów, banki, firmy energetyczne, a nawet firmy loteryjne. Okazja czyni złodzieja W czasie pandemii dużą popularność zyskał pet scam, czyli schemat opierający się na
Stu Bradley discusses the importance of education, diligence and analytics in the fight against fraud.
Mój kolejny artykuł chcę poświęcić roli analityki w całym procesie oceny ryzyka kredytowego klienta firmy telekomunikacyjnej – od momentu złożenia aplikacji aż do windykacji. Postaram się przedstawić, jakie wsparcie zapewnia analityka w każdym z etapów tego procesu, czego można od niej oczekiwać, aby zmaksymalizować efekty biznesowe. Schemat prezentujący poszczególne etapy
In principle, the best method of mitigating fraud is to set up a strong detection system. A system perceived as unbeatable will mean that potential fraudsters are discouraged from attempting anything and move on to easier targets. The premise of deterrence is that a system that detects fraud and abuse
A expectativa era grande em torno da comemoração do SAS Innovate Madrid, que aconteceu no passado dia 25 de maio. Ouvimos muitas conversas sobre o que as pessoas esperavam do evento, incluindo o desejo de uma vez mais encontrarem-se cara a cara com clientes, parceiros e colegas da área para falar
Había mucha expectación en torno a la celebración del SAS Innovate Madrid, que tuvo lugar el pasado 25 de mayo. Escuchamos muchas conversaciones sobre lo que la gente esperaba del evento. Estas incluían el deseo de volver a encontrarse cara a cara con clientes, partners y colegas del sector para
A Fraude no setor bancário não é um tema recente, mas a pandemia e, mais tarde, a guerra tiveram impacto no setor, como aliás demonstra a quarta edição do relatório sobre a cibersegurança em Portugal do Centro Nacional de Cibersegurança (CNCS) "A mitigação progressiva da pandemia e o surgimento de uma
Scammers and fraudsters love these 8 terms. Learn what they mean so you won’t be a victim.
Skąd się wzięła i czym jest analiza śledcza, zwana także analizą kryminalną? Potrzeba stworzenia takiego narzędzia zaistniała w końcu lat 60-ch w USA i została wyartykułowana przez organy ścigania. Była ona spowodowana rozwojem przestępczości zorganizowanej, dużą liczebnością i skomplikowaną strukturą grup przestępczych oraz transgranicznym charakterem przestępstw, w czym przodowała włoska
The process changes that are taking place in the insurance world are massive. More and more insurance companies allow for remote sales of life products and entire sales processes have been simplified for the benefit of the customer. However, opportunities for abuse arose with them as well. A simpler process
During the pandemic, millions of people have made the leap to digital banking. Identity analytics can help banks provide a delightful customer experience while keeping fraudsters out in the cold. Fraud is often seen as a cost centre for banks, but there’s an opportunity for fraud teams to become a
Las aseguradoras afrontan desde hace tiempo una continua batalla contra diferentes tipos de fraude. Fraude en los siniestros, fraude en la suscripción de póliza, ciberataques, fraude interno, etc. En Estados Unidos, un estudio de la Coalition Against Insurance Fraud lo estima en un total de 80.000 millones de dólares. El
Vivimos una crisis sin precedentes en nuestra historia. A causa del COVID-19, numerosos países han impuesto diferentes medidas de cuarentena y restricciones a la vida social y económica. La salud es la prioridad , pero se han puesto en marcha múltiples ayudas con objeto de paliar la inmediata crisis económica.
Why fraud prevention and anti-money laundering teams can learn a lot from each other—and how convergence can benefit both.
Le point de vue et l’approche développée par SAS Toute entreprise ou organisation est confrontée au risque de contrepartie, dès lors qu’elle est en relation avec un tiers. Ce risque est inhérent à toute relation commerciale entre deux entités (personnes morales et/ou physiques), mais également aux dispositifs financiers tels que
Fraud prevention: Collaboration is one of the traits we have utilized to maximum effect in pretty much everything.
Companies face a stark choice between optimising customer experience and minimising fraud. But what if they could do both?
The public sector is finally changing. Artificial intelligence is gradually finding its way into its administrative structures.
The revised EU Payment Services Directive (PSD2) has been a focal point for the financial services industry over the last couple of years and its adoption is set to revolutionise the payment ecosystem in Europe. New entrants, innovative technologies and increased regulation are already posing major challenges to traditional banks
Another day, another scam defrauding insurers and governments. For purposes of full disclosure, the case I'm highlighting today comes from Washington's Labor and Industries (L&I), the agency where I formerly worked and headed up fraud prevention efforts, and the investigation dates back to my time there. During my time there,
Sometimes, it is good to start with a confession. I filed my taxes at the last minute. It was past time to get some money back from the IRS before they could waste $60,000 on another Star Trek spoof video. Normally I'm one of those people that files in February,
Personally, I love studies. They help put things into context, and when done well, provide an independent and hopefully unbiased view of the forces that shape our lives. They are also a great way to see government funds used in strange ways. For example, the new NIOSH (National Institute for