I will show you how to deploy multi-stage deep learning (DL) models in SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) and leverage ESP on Edge via Docker containers to identify events of interest.
I will show you how to deploy multi-stage deep learning (DL) models in SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) and leverage ESP on Edge via Docker containers to identify events of interest.
Let's create a Multi-stage Computer Vision model to detect objects on high-resolution imagery taken from an aerial view. The goal is to locate a dog and determine if he is wearing a scarf or not and what color the scarf is.
Getting ahead of an equipment failure can be the difference between millions of dollars saved, and disastrous losses. Predictive maintenance, which uses data and analytics to determine the health of an asset to predict the best time to perform maintenance, is now easier than ever if implemented with a smart,
“What’s our plan if we get hit by a big flood?” While this question may be plenty familiar to emergency management professionals, city administrators, legislators, and other leaders in coastal regions that are known for their exposure to potentially disastrous weather events, these days it’s being asked in some unexpected
Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) is the Netherlands main agency for design, construction, management and maintenance for waterways and infrastructure. Their mission is to promote safety, mobility and quality of life in the Netherlands. They are the masterminds behind some of the most prestigious water projects in the world. In a recent panel
SAS users help drive innovation, providing feedback on SAS products through various mediums, including customer advisory boards, communities, SASware Ballot® ideas, and SAS Global Forum. The SAS User Feedback Award is presented annually to a user whose recommendations and insights lead to significant improvements to SAS software. This year SAS
Mensen, die door een dwarslaesie gebonden zijn aan een rolstoel, weer laten opstaan en lopen met behulp van technologische ondersteuning. Dat is het doel waar Project MARCH zich voor inzet. Het team, bestaande uit 26 studenten van o.a. de Technische Universiteit Delft en Haagse Hoogeschool, zetten een jaar lang hun
Almost everyone enjoys a good glass of wine after a long day, but did you ever stop to wonder how the exact bottle you're looking for makes its way to the grocery store shelf? Analytics has a lot to do with it, as SAS demonstrated to attendees at the National
I suffer from arthritis. You can tell just by watching me walk: Depending on the day, I have a slight limp, which varies in severity based on a number of factors such as the time of day and recent physical activity. Years of treatment for my condition have shown me
This series of videos spotlights a very powerful API that lets you use Python while also having access to the power of SAS Deep Learning.
Analytics braucht große Ressourcen? Das muss nicht sein. Und es darf auch nicht sein, wenn es um die Auswertung von Daten direkt an dem Ort, an dem sie entstehen, geht. Autonome Fahrzeuge, Fräsmaschinen oder Sensoren in Fußballschuhen sind nur einige Beispiele, wo „Edge Analytics“ benötigt wird, um eine „Funktion 2.0“
Before grabbing that streaming data so quickly, Joyce Norris-Montanari says you should ask a few questions.
When you hear someone refer to an ‘inside baseball’ move, it means they’re playing into the subtleties of the game. Inside baseball requires a high level of awareness, experience, and strategic thought. This typically results in a mix of strategies to get runners on base and manufacture runs rather than
Like hiking without GPS directions, Jim Harris says businesses that don't use streaming data analytics will be lost in a crowd of competitors.
David Loshin provides an alternate take on streaming data in the context of legacy systems.
I have lived in the Town of Cary for more than twenty years; two of my three children were born at the local WakeMed Cary Hospital. I’m a big fan of my city, or town as it prefers to be called – even though the population is over 160,000. That’s
A future of flying cars and Minority Report-styled predictive dashboards may still be some time away, but the possibilities of robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered automation are a reality today. From connected cars to smart homes and offices, we see daily how big data and the Internet of Things (IoT)
Jim Harris says streaming data analytics can drive better decisions and faster adaptation to changing conditions.
“Quick response forecasting (QRF) techniques are forecasting processes that can incorporate information quickly enough to act upon by agile supply chains” explained Dr. Larry Lapide, in a recent Journal of Business Forecasting column. The concept of QRF is based on updating demand forecasts to reflect real and rapid changes in demand, both
If you’ve been waiting for the buzz to settle around the Internet of Things before deciding how to invest in this new technology space, now’s the time to stop waiting. I’ve been working in the technology sector for a few decades, and the innovation and excitement I’m seeing around IoT
Will the IoT live up to the hype? Yes. A most resounding YES. In fact, it will exceed the hype, because we don't even know all the IoT possibilities yet. We don’t know what we don’t know, and that lack of imagination limits even our hype. Where we are with
Let me start by posing a question: "Are you forecasting at the edge to anticipate what consumers want or need before they know it?" Not just forecasting based on past demand behavior, but using real-time information as it is streaming in from connected devices on the Internet of Things (IoT).
„Durchsatz ist wichtig, jaja“, Supply-Chain-Leiter Herr Aklit lehnt sich zurück, faltet seine Hände über dem üppigen Bauch und sagt zu Lenin: „Sie haben ja schon einiges in Fluss gebracht mit Ihren Projekten zur Datenanalyse im Internet of Things.“ Er atmet tief durch und schaut aus dem Fenster: „Alles fließt …“,
Jim Harris discusses how the lines between data management and analytics are fading.
Lenin und ich sitzen im Publikum und applaudieren heftig: Seine Chefin hat ihren Vortrag beendet über „Datenqualität als Erfolgsfaktor im Internet of Things“. „Kein Datenqualitätsprojekt ohne Hilfe von oben“, raunt Lenin mir zu, "Unterstützung vom Boss ist manchmal wichtiger als tolle Software." Ich will beleidigt darauf hinweisen, dass seine Chefin
Via streaming data, Jim Harris says machines can learn some amazing things without being programmed with domain knowledge.
@philsimon says that old stalwarts sometimes just don't cut it.
Batters assess the game before hitting the ball. Similarly, Todd Wright says businesses can make faster, better decisions by understanding events in motion.
David Loshin extends his exploration of ethical issues surrounding automated systems and event stream processing to encompass data quality and risk considerations.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you've surely noticed the increasing numbers of headlines about big data, Hadoop, internet of things (IoT) and, of course, data streaming. For many companies, this next generation of data management is clearly marked "to play with later." That's because adopting the next wave