Tag: event stream processing

Data Visualization
Michael Thomas 0
Immersive analytics: yes or no?

I’m drawn to immersive analytics (IA) because it covers areas I’ve been looking at since 2012, and have been publishing on since early 2014, like virtual reality and data worlds. I’m retroactively applying the cool new term IA (not to be confused with AI for artificial intelligence) to all of my activities

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Internet of Things | SAS Administrators
Andrea Negri 0
IoT analytics create bigger role for administrators

Some of the most common questions from customers are about their analytics administration. Often regarded as house-keeping, administration failures can nevertheless cause real pain. The typical day-to-day tasks of analytics administration include checking availability and health of the analytics platform components, allocating proper resources for users like memory, file systems,

Toby Text 0
20 Jahre KSFE

Neben dem 40 jährigen Gründungsjubiläum der Software Firma SAS gibt es 2016 auch das 20 jährige KSFE - Jubiläum der Kooperation der SAS Anwender in Forschung und Entwicklung zu feiern, und zwar in der ältesten Universität Schwedens.

Christine Komander 0
Smart Blood ? Wir werten Sie aus Mr. Bond!

Hatten Sie auch bei dem von „Q“ verwendeten Begriff „Smart Blood“  während der Injektion der Nanoteilchen in  Bond’s Blutbahn sofort ein völlig neues Feld für interessante Use Cases im Bereich der menschlichen Sensortechnik vor Augen? Ob 007 wohl klar ist, was der MI6 mit den so gewonnenen Informationen über die

Data Management
David Loshin 0
Big data integration as a service

I've seen a number of articles and webinars recently that discuss data integration as a cloud-based service. So I thought it was worth exploring what this really means in the context of big data – specifically when the objective is to exploit many sources of streaming data for analytics. My initial reaction