Tag: big data

Alex Dietz 0
Can big data help revenue management?

Next week I will be presenting at the Cornell Hospitality Research Summit on big data and revenue management. In preparation for the Summit, I have recorded a short presentation that outlines how big data can help augment revenue management. Alex Dietz talks about how big data can help revenue management.

Jim Harris 0
As the butter churns in Bangladesh

“Correlation does not imply causation” is a saying commonly heard in science and statistics emphasizing that a correlation between two variables does not necessarily imply that one variable causes the other. One example of this is the relationship between rain and umbrellas. People buy more umbrellas when it rains. This

Data Management
Anne Belder 0
Hadoop: the game-changer in banking

At most banks, data is stored in separate databases and data warehouses. Customer data is stored in marketing databases, fraud analyses are done on transactional data, and risk data is stored in risk data warehouses. Oftentimes even liquidity, credit, market, and operational risk data is stored separately as well. Bringing

SAS Colombia 0
¿En qué invierte el tiempo un gerente de Big Data?

Tal vez usted es de los que se preguntan cómo usan su tiempo algunos cargos en las empresas. Normalmente esto ocurre debido al desconocimiento por parte de los equipos sobre el rol de áreas diferentes a las suyas y más aún, cuando son muy especializadas. En esta oportunidad, hablaremos del

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Data Management
Alan Lipson 0
Get your house in order to cash in on retail’s omnichannel promise

Would you build a house without a proper foundation? Most of us wouldn’t dare, but that’s exactly what many retail businesses are doing today. When building a house, if you don’t get the foundation right, paint, wallpaper and fixtures won’t matter much. It’s no different in the retail industry. Success

The New Normal is Strange

The first time I used the Internet it blew my mind. As a diplomat brat, at any point in time everyone I knew was everywhere but where I was. Thanks the miracles of Gopher, Veronica, IRC and email, the tyranny of distance didn’t seem so oppressive any more. When I

Lisa Dodson 0
Asurewin Casino Review

Asurewin Casino Review TheAsurewin Casino offers several bonuses for new customers. Its largest campaign is TheAsurewin Welcome Bonus, which adds 50% of the first and second deposits to players' balances. This bonus has a cap of $2,000 and is available six times per week. In order to qualify for the

Jim Harris 0
Errors, lies, and big data

My previous post pondered the term disestimation, coined by Charles Seife in his book Proofiness: How You’re Being Fooled by the Numbers to warn us about understating or ignoring the uncertainties surrounding a number, mistaking it for a fact instead of the error-prone estimate that it really is. Sometimes this fact appears to

Data Visualization
Philip Boxley 0
Is big data really better?

Recently, I was reading an online article about predictive modeling and "big data."  Its premise was to determine whether the use of big data actually led to more accurate and meaningful predictive models and forecasts.  After citing numerous external examples and internal tests that the authors had compiled, it stated

Data Management
Steve Polilli 0
Your data is in Hadoop, so what?

Okay, let's say your data is in Hadoop. The distributed, open source framework is configured as it should be across low-cost servers and your data is sitting in those clusters. It's been a meaningful effort to get to this point but how does it benefit your organization? If it's not doing something

Jim Harris 0
The Chicken Man versus the Data Scientist

In my previous post Sisyphus didn’t need a fitness tracker, I recommended that you only collect, measure and analyze big data if it helps you make a better decision or change your actions. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to know ahead of time which data will meet that criteria. We often, therefore, collect, measure and analyze

Jim Harris 0
Sisyphus didn’t need a fitness tracker

In his pithy style, Seth Godin’s recent blog post Analytics without action said more in 32 words than most posts say in 320 words or most white papers say in 3200 words. (For those counting along, my opening sentence alone used 32 words). Godin’s blog post, in its entirety, stated: “Don’t measure