A team of SAS employees recently participated in a data-for-good project focusing on forest fires in the Amazon. In conjunction with the Amazon Conservation Association (ACA), the team explored options to collect and analyze publicly available imagery and fire data to better understand the drivers for forest fires as well
Tag: Amazon
La implacable búsqueda del consumidor para satisfacer sus necesidades impulsa cada cambio que vemos en el ámbito del consumo masivo. La desaparición de la empresa Toys R Us en Estados Unidos, el récord de la plataforma Alibaba consiguiendo ventas por US$25.000 millones diarios en 2018, la promesa de JD.com de
Phil Simon raises two key questions to ask in his second post on data literacy.
Phil Simon chimes in on the increasingly important topic of data literacy.
Think that the company has let up in the last two years? Think again.
@philsimon chimes in about how success in one area can lead to success in another.
Amazon recently announced the 20 finalists in their search for a location to house their new 2nd headquarters (nicknamed 'hq2'). They showed a map on their web page, but I wanted to create my own map, with a few improvements ... Here's their official map. It's not terrible, but it
What's stopping you from being a data-driven business? Phil Simon points to four common stumbling blocks.
The most highly anticipated business announcement this fall is probably the location for Amazon's second headquarters (dubbed HQ2). Amazon plans to spend $5 billion on their HQ2, and employ about 50,000 people in high-tech jobs. They received 238 proposals before their October 19 deadline, but haven't announced a winner yet.
It's easier said than done to be a data-driven business, but the squeeze is worth the juice.
Todo lo digital es rastreable, medible, identificable y por ende, potenciable. El hecho de que los usuarios dejen huella en cada una de sus interacciones y que las empresas puedan tener en cuenta todos esos micromomentos para tomar mejores decisiones, es lo que ha llevado a que la transformación digital
Phil Simon chimes in on the last five years of Hadoop with an eye toward the future.
Phil Simon looks at AWS's evolution before making some predictions about the future of Hadoop.
.@philsimon chimes in with trust- and privacy-related recommendations
.@philsimon says that, once again, there's quite a bit to learn from Amazon.
.@philsimon says don't treat data self-service as a binary.
Absent a strong executive presence, most mature organizations will continue to muddle through data integration.
.@philsimon says that it's never too early to think about the IoT and data management.
@philsimon on what we can learn about data quality from Jeff Bezos's behemoth.
.@philsimon provides insights on whether a data strategy can result in competitive advantage.
.@philsimon on the need to play offense and defense with your organization's data.
Alguna vez se ha preguntado ¿cómo una empresa como Amazon puede publicar ofertas instantáneas que le pueden interesar, al mismo tiempo que está viendo otro producto?, ¿cómo hace Netflix para recomendarle películas y acertar en sus gustos?, ¿cómo una entidad financiera es capaz de hacer una proyección y darle respuesta
.@philsimon on the soft skills that Big Data requires.
Every year, Fortune magazine compiles a list of the 500 largest US corporations - called the Fortune 500. Their list was a bit difficult to digest in text-form, so I thought I'd try using some maps & graphs on the data ... For a map analysis, I thought it would
.@philsimon on what we can learn from Seattle's juggernaut.
When asked what his movement wanted around a century ago, the iconic American labor leader Samuel Gompers famously gave a one-word answer: "More." This annoyed his opponents at the negotiating table and many in the business community. He was not demanding a specific wage increase or fighting for a distinct cause like
With Amazon Prime's 2-day shipping, I seldom go to physical stores any more. How do they deliver items so quickly? Let's analyze some data to find out... There are very few services/memberships that I truly feel like I'm getting "a good deal" for my money - and Amazon Prime is