SAS Users
Providing technical tips and support information, written for and by SAS users.I've heard it said that perception is everything, but can you really track and measure customer perception in a way that will allow you to effect change? The answer is yes.
I’ve been fortunate to see a lot of the US through my work with SAS users groups. My latest trip was to Fort Worth, Texas, where I saw my first rodeo and attended the South Central SAS Users Group (SCSUG) Educational Forum.
SAS said, "Hello, San Francisco!" for the Western Users of SAS Software (WUSS) conference October 12-14. The conference was chaired by Kathy Valdes, from SRI, and Ginger Carey, from Carey Consulting, two long time SAS users. With no time for Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay, we kicked off the event -
~Contributed by Martin L. Olesen I began using SAS 6.04 in 1992 for my own projects and as a teaching assistant. Professionally, I have worked in SAS since 1997, after graduation. I use Base SAS, SAS/STAT and SAS/OR. I work in an Icelandic bank doing credit risk analysis and rating
Winter is still 6 weeks away, but already parts of the US are under feet, that’s right FEET, of snow. All of the reports I have read say that there is no correlation between this early activity and how brutal the winter will be. I wonder if there is any