
Rick Wicklin 0
Remove or keep: Which is faster?

In a recent article on efficient simulation from a truncated distribution, I wrote some SAS/IML code that used the LOC function to find and exclude observations that satisfy some criterion. Some readers came up with an alternative algorithm that uses the REMOVE function instead of subscripts. I remarked in a

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Carl Hammersburg 0
Employee misclassification: Will the last employee please turn off the lights?

Independent contractor.  Two very simple words that have a dramatic impact on businesses, workers, and government programs.  While most people have a basic understanding of the term, they often have very little understanding of the laws governing it, which vary significantly program by program and state by state.  This has

Chris Hemedinger 0
Why "programmer" is not in my job title

There are two activities which, when taken in combination, have occupied the vast majority of my working hours for the past 20 years: writing computer programs and writing...well, just writing. During my college years I completed my degree with a double-major: Computer Science and English. (My English degree has a

SAS Administrators
Christina Harvey 0
Demystifying SAS autoexec files

Recently, I shared a summary of Brian Varney’s SESUG presentation on How to document your SAS environment. One important step was determining where files that control overall processing, such as autoexec.sas files, are deployed.   For installations on a single server or platform, Varney suggested using the OPTIONS procedure, which lists

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Greg Henderson 0
"Financial fraud is the dominant crime of this millennium"

Several weeks ago, South Carolina was the victim of what some experts believe to be the largest cyber-attack against a state tax department in history. Approximately 3.6 million personal South Carolina income tax returns were exposed, and nearly 657,000 businesses compromised, in an international hacking attack. Coincidentally, SAS and the SC

SAS Events
Christina Harvey 0
Too much CLASS for the MEANS procedure

Have you used the MEANS procedure to calculate frequencies: for several variables in the same step? without sorting the data first? without checking for missing values? using the TYPE statement and the CLASS statement together? At the recent SouthEastern SAS Users Group conference, Janet Willis shared what can go wrong

John Stultz 0
Federal policy on improper payments spurs need for high performance analytics

Recently, top executives from SAS gathered in Washington, DC with customers and other interested parties to discuss the potential impact of "big data" and high-performance analytics on the U.S. government. Topics included cyber-attack strategies, health care, bio-surveillance, border security and of course, fraud and improper payments. On the heels of

Data Management
David Sweenor 0
Adventures in the Hadoop zoo

For some odd reason, the open-source Apache Hadoop ecosystem consists of cleverly named components that seem to have escaped from the Central Park Zoo.  You may be aware that the little yellow elephant named Hadoop was actually a stuffed toy that Doug Cutting’s son owned. (Doug is the co-creator of

Learn SAS
Rick Wicklin 0
Beware the naked LOC

The LOC function is one of the most important functions in the SAS/IML language. The LOC function finds elements of a vector or matrix that satisfy some condition. For example, if you are going to apply a logarithmic transform to data, you can use the LOC function to find all

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