
SAS Events
Sara Jones, CMP 0
Where's your flair?

There was a lot of talk last year about What not to wear at SAS Global Forum and although informative and fun we didn’t necessarily help with what IS in style. Since 2013 is the year of Statistics  we are going to focus our fashion series a little more on

Data Management | Data Visualization
Vincent Cotte 0
Overcoming the Top Four Challenges to More Effective Decision Making With Data Visualisation

Our recent innovations into Data Visualisation have led us to be inundated and involved in lots of conversations with customers and prospects looking to benefit from the marriage of advanced analytics, visualisation, data management and simplicity. Greg and Minh delved into the benefits that this marriage can yield and why data visualisation should form an

SAS Events
Rick Mitchell 0
A day to celebrate

Yes, it’s February 15 and plenty of people celebrated yesterday for obvious reasons; Valentine’s Day.  But today, SAS Global Forum is celebrating for other reasons.  It’s not about flowers, candy and love notes for us this week– it’s about content, content and more content.  That’s right – we’re celebrating today

Chris Hemedinger 0
Mathematical squiggles in SAS

John D. Cook shared a picture of "pretty squiggles" on his blog, as well as a prose description of the mathematics behind it. I'm more of a programmer than a mathematician, but I've attempted to transcribe his description into a SAS program. I used DATA step to generate the point

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
GTL Layouts

The Graph Template Language (GTL) provides you the ability to create complex graphical layouts. We have seen how to create a regular grid of cells based on one or more classification variables using the SGPANEL procedure.   Each cell contains the same type of plot.  This topic was covered in Dan's article on

Learn SAS
Jim Simon 0
Time to trade in your jalopy macro?

Suppose you have an old jalopy that's perfectly reliable.  Your jalopy gets you where you wanna go: no frills; no drama. Do you trade your old wheels in for a racecar that accelerates like crazy and corners like it's on rails? Or stick with what's old and comfortable?   Your choice

Learn SAS
Rick Wicklin 0
How the J function got its name

In linear algebra, the I symbol is used to denote an n x n identity matrix. The symbol J (or sometimes 1) is used to denote an n x p matrix of ones. When the SAS/IML language was implemented, the I function was defined to generate the identity matrix. The J function was defined

Data Management
Annette Marett 0
SAS loves stats: Marc Huber

If you’ve got a few minutes to chat with Marc Huber, don’t miss the opportunity. He has an interesting take on the human side of statistics.  As a senior analytical training consultant for SAS, he combines an impressive background in psychology with a passion for math to teach customers around the

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