
Chris Hemedinger 0
Super Users in the SAS Support Communities

There are SAS users, and then there are SAS Super Users in the SAS Support Communities. What makes a communities user "Super"? It's the Super Users that fly around the discussion boards -- answering questions and guiding other community members. They aren't just SAS experts; they are teachers as well,

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Legend Order

In the previous article on managing legends, I described the way to include items in a legend that may not exist in the data.  This is done by defining a Discrete Attribute Map, and then requesting that all the values defined in the map should be displayed in the legend. In

Work & Life at SAS
Amanda Pack 0
Bring on the loving kindness!

Living in a society where the pressure to succeed is on as early as preschool and time moves so fast it sometimes feels hard to breathe, I’ve found meditation to be cheap therapy for my generally order-driven, perfectionist self.  It’s during this time, I quiet the chatter, nurture my spirituality,

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0

Entries in a legend are populated automatically based on the data.  When creating a graph with group classification,  the display attributes for each bar are derived from the GraphData1-12 style elements from the active style. The graph on the right shows you the result of creating an adverse event timeline

Machine Learning
Cognitive Computing - Part 1

Is cognitive computing an application of text mining? If you have asked this question, you are not alone. In fact, lately I have heard it quite often. So what is cognitive computing, really? A cognitive computing system, as stated by Dr. John E. Kelly III, is one that has the

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