Graphically Speaking
Data Visualization with a focus on SAS ODS GraphicsOver the past few weeks I have heard about the "Consort Diagram". This was mentioned in a Communities article, and also by a couple of users separately. This topic was also covered by Anusha Mallavarapu and Dean Shults from Cytel in a poster at PhUSE 2016 as shown on the
Have you ever wanted to modify a graph title that is produced by an analytical procedure? You can make a wide variety of changes by modifying the graph template. Modifying the graph template is straight forward. You specify ODS TRACE ON, run the procedure, find the template name, display the
Last week I had the pleasure of presenting my paper "Graphs are Easy with SAS 9.4" at the Boston SAS Users Group meeting. The turn out was large and over 75% of the audience appeared to be using SAS 9.4 back home. This was good as my paper was focused on the cool new
In the area of graphical visualization of data, Edward Tufte is a thought leader and has put forth many innovative ideas that enhance the understanding of the information in the graph with minimal distractions and potential for misinterpretation. One of his ideas has been the use of "Spark" plots. As per my
In this post, I will show you how to control the order of the entries in a legend and explicitly control the correspondence between groups and style elements in PROC SGPLOT. In many cases, the colors that are used to differentiate groups do not matter--the graph simply needs to display
Often I have written articles that are motivated by some question by a user on how to create a particular graph, or how to work around some shortcoming in the feature set to create the graph you need. This time, I got a question about Clinical Graphs that were mostly working