Graphically Speaking
Data Visualization with a focus on SAS ODS GraphicsFitting of long category values on a x-axis is usually a challenge. With SAS 9.4, the SGPLOT procedure tries to fit the values by first splitting the values at white space to see if the values will fit in the space available. This normally works well for a small number
Today, I focus on the steps needed to make a graph that is composed of multiple heterogeneous components (in this case, dendrograms and a heat map).
Last week I published an article on creating bar charts with visual category values. The idea was to use visual icons for the category values in a HBAR of age by animal. For the data, I referred to a visual from the 2010 Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. that I found on the
A grouped box plot created by SGPLOT VBOX / HBOX statement or GTL BOXPLOT statement will display groups within categories using group colors and puts the color swatches representing the group values in the legend. This works well for a color graph created as shown below. title 'Distribution of Cholesterol
We often say a picture (or graph) is worth a thousand words. So, recursively, this could apply to other text in the graph. I thought it would be interesting to see if we can create a graph with visual categories. Another benefit is that such visual categories are inherently meaningful
In his recent blog article on Drawing Paths on a Map using SGPLOT, Robert Allison showed us visually the path computed by the captain of his return flight from Orlando. As usual, one can rely on Robert to put in visual form some interesting bit of information. Thanks, Robert. I