
Shelly Goodin 0
The 10 most popular SAS Documentation titles of 2011

How many of you routinely refer to SAS Documentation? Are there some heavy hitters you continuously turn to? When looking at the high traffic to documentation pages on the support.sas.com site in 2011, it's evident that some titles are definitely resonating with SAS users. As promised (in a recent post on the 9 Bestselling SAS

Rick Wicklin 0
Compute a running mean and variance

In my recent article on simulating Buffon's needle experiment, I computed the "running mean" of a series of values by using a single call to the CUSUM function in the SAS/IML language. For example, the following SAS/IML statements define a RunningMean function, generate 1,000 random normal values, and compute the

Learn SAS
Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author’s tip: Bubble plots in PROC GPLOT

Robert Rutledge's book Just Enough SAS is the source of this week's SAS tip. It would be easy to turn almost any page of Robert's book into a stand-alone tip. However, today my attention was drawn to two side-by-side pages. One features a PROC GCHART pie chart (and includes a DONUT statement) and the other

Analytics | SAS Events
Our conference lineup for 2012

Here at SAS Publishing, we’ve started the new year off with a bang, particularly when it comes to conferences. We’re attending a number of new shows in addition to the usual lineup this year. Visit our booth, meet our authors, check out our new and forthcoming titles, and talk with

Rick Wicklin 0
Reading ALL variables INTO a matrix

The SAS/IML READ statement has a few convenient features for reading data from SAS data sets. One is that you can read all variables into vectors of the same names by using the _ALL_ keyword. The following DATA steps create a data set called Mixed that contains three numeric and

Rick Wicklin 0
Overlay density estimates on a plot

A recent question on a SAS Discussion Forum was "how can you overlay multiple kernel density estimates on a single plot?" There are three ways to do this, depending on your goals and objectives. Overlay different estimates of the same variable Sometimes you have a single variable and want to

Learn SAS
Sean Gargan 0
SAS OnDemand and great practice data

You know the old joke about the guy who jumps into a taxi and asks the driver, “Do you know how to get to Carnegie Hall?” and the driver replies, “Practice, practice, practice”.  Well SAS OnDemand may not be your ticket to Carnegie Hall but it’s a great practice environment

Rick Wicklin 0
How to lie with a simulation

In my article on Buffon's needle experiment, I showed a graph that converges fairly nicely and regularly to the value π, which is the value that the simulation is trying to estimate. This graph is, indeed, a typical graph, as you can verify by running the simulation yourself. However, notice

Mary Beth Steinbach 0
3 SAS books win STC awards

As we wrapped up 2011 and began preparing for 2012, we were notified by the Society for Technical Communication, Carolina Chapter, that three SAS Press books received awards in the 2011-2012 competition. We submitted these three entries this past November, and are thrilled that all three submissions won awards. Multiple

Mike Gilliland 0
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator for forecasters

Have you taken the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment?  It is a psychological test wherefrom you are classified on Extraversion vs. Introversion, Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs. Feeling, and Judging vs. Perceiving.  I, along with roughly 15% of the population, come out an ISTJ or "Guardian Inspector" (the single largest

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
In good company

A recent post on the SAS website shows the SAS Annual Revenue History.  It would be interesting to see how we could create such a graph using SG procedures, and how we could add more information and interest in the presentation.  So, I started with the basic informaiton on the annual revenues provided,

Kathy Council 0
Are you reading SAS eBooks?

2011 was a year when we immersed ourselves in the process of converting existing titles to eBook format. You can now read most of your favorite SAS books on your Kindle or iPad or access them for any device through the Google eBookstore. We are currently in the process of converting

Rick Wicklin 0
Simulation of Buffon's needle in SAS

Buffon's needle experiment for estimating π is a classical example of using an experiment (or a simulation) to estimate a probability. This example is presented in many books on statistical simulation and is famous enough that Brian Ripley in his book Stochastic Simulation states that the problem is "well known

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Simply useful

Let us ring in the new year with something simple and useful. A recent question by a user over the holidays motivated this article on what is likely a commonly used graph.  We want to compare the preformance of two categories along with a third measure.  This could be something like "How

Rick Wicklin 0
New 2012 resolutions for my blog

Hello, 2012! It's a New Year and I'm flushed with ideas for new blog articles. (You can also read about The DO Loop's most popular posts of 2011.) The fundamental purpose of my blog is to present tips and techniques for writing efficient statistical programs in SAS. I pledge to

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