
David Loshin 0
Behavior architecture

In the past few weeks I have presented training sessions on data governance, master data management, data quality and analytics at three different venues. At each one of these events, during one of the breaks a variety of people in my course noted that the technical concepts of implementing programs

Michael A. Raithel 0
The RUN Statement

It was a case of life imitating art—the fine art of SAS programming, that is!  I had arranged the perfect 4-day weekend.  I would take the train to Philadelphia on Saturday.  Run the Philadelphia Marathon on Sunday.  Visit with my friend Frank DiIorio and his wife April on Monday.  And

Stefan Hauck 0
Mehr Wissen - Fazit aus einem Jahr Corporate Blog

Wir stellen hier nur einen Auszug unseres Fazits aus einem Jahr "Mehr Wissen" Blog vor - aber wir teilen auch gerne die vollständige Auswertung. Bevorzugt mit Betreibern eines Corporate Blogs im Austausch mit ihren Erfahrungen. Aber jeder kann sich die Auswertung bestellen und ist eingeladen die Ergebnisse mit uns zu diskutieren.

Kathy Council 0
The scoop on customers

This has not yet been publicly announced, but I’m too excited to keep it a secret. SAS recently created a new division devoted exclusively to customer support. The division’s name is Customer Engagement and Support (CES); its leader is Fritz Lehman and it consists of four divisions: Publications, Education, Technical

Data Management
Jim Harris 0
Why can’t we predict the weather?

This is the time of year when we like to make predictions about the upcoming year. Although I am optimistic about the potential of predictive analytics in the era of big data, I am also realistic about the nature of predictability regardless of how much data is used. For example, in

Rick Wicklin 0
A Christmas tree matrix

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, Last year a fractal made thee! O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, A heat map can display thee! O tree of green, adorned with lights! A trunk of brown, the rest is white. O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, A heat map can display

Patricia Spain 0
Why take SAS Training in San Francisco?

Why San Francisco? The Golden Gate Bridge. The Aquarium of the Bay. The best Ramen Noodles. Need more? Our Business knowledge Series offers you four more great reasons to visit San Francisco soon. Data Mining Techniques: Theory and Practice Customer Segmentation Using SAS Enterprise Miner SAS Functions by Example Survival

David Loshin 0
Behavior modeling

In my last post I introduced the term “behavior architecture,” and this time I would like to explore what that concept means. One approach is to start with the basics: given a business process with a set of decision points and a number of participants, the behavior architecture is the

Mike Gilliland 0
Process Control Methods in Business Forecasting

While fancy new forecasting models will always be of interest to researchers, there is plenty of really interesting and practical new work being led by forecasting practitioners. Last month Steve Morlidge (who spent 30 years at Unilever, now with CatchBull), shared his promising new approach on the “Avoidability of Forecast

Murali Pagolu 0
Prepare yourself for Text Analytics

Text (aka unstructured) data is real, it’s huge, and it’s rapidly building up (both internally – at your company, and externally – on the web). You’ll only see more in the days to come. And guess what? If you are practicing traditional analytics at your company, foraying into unstructured data

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Graphs at WUSS - Part 2

Last week I covered some of the interesting graph-related papers presented at WUSS.  There were quite a few, so I broke up the report into two parts.  Here is the second installment. In the paper  Creating Graphical Patient Profiles using SAS by William Garner of Gilead Sciences, the author describes how to create

Understanding analytics: the bird’s eye view

Our blog editor extraordinaire Shelly Goodin brings you tips and information on technical content from our books that you can use immediately in your work. But what if you’re not there yet? What if you want to start with a 50,000-foot level view of analytics overall? Or learn how forecasting

Jim Harris 0
Behavioral data quality

For decades, data quality experts have been telling us poor quality is bad for our data, bad for our decisions, bad for our business and just plain all around bad, bad, bad – did I already mention it’s bad? So why does poor data quality continue to exist and persist?

Rick Wicklin 0
Visualize a matrix in SAS by using a discrete heat map

A heat map is a graphical representation of a matrix that uses colors to represent values in the matrix cells. Heat maps often reveal the structure of a matrix. There are three common applications of visualizing matrices with heat maps: Visualizing a correlation or covariance matrix reveals relationships between variables.

Thomas Wende 0
Oh Du fröhliche ...

Liebe Blog-Leser, schon sind wir wieder mitten drin in dieser so besinnlichen, feierlichen und staden Vorweihnachtszeit, wo die meisten Menschen vor lauter Hektik nicht wissen, wo ihnen der Kopf steht. Jahresabschlüsse sind zu machen, Geschenke noch zu besorgen. Die Menschen um einen herum sind gereizt – und nach ehrlicher Selbstbeobachtung

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