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Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization
Ernesto Cantu 0
Acelerando un futuro analítico para manufactura en América Latina

A medida que nos acercamos a un nuevo año, los temas de productividad y optimización para operar en un  contexto volátil e incierto seguirán siendo una prioridad para los ejecutivos de todos los sectores de la industria, y manufactura no es la excepción. Los datos son un aliado importante para garantizar la resiliencia

Analytics | Machine Learning
Charlie Chase 0
How life science and health care supply chains can adapt to disruption

Robert Handfield, PhD, is a distinguished professor of Supply Chain Management at North Carolina State University and Director of the Supply Chain Resource Cooperative. In an episode of the Health Pulse Podcast, Handfield gave his views regarding the challenges health care and life science companies have encountered over the past two years

Artificial Intelligence | Data for Good
Thomas Keil 0
Kalkulierbare Naturkatastrophen: „Mit analytisch gestützter Risikoberechnung können wir den Insurance Gap schließen.“

Fast 200 Todesopfer (davon 134 allein im Ahrtal), 33 Milliarden Euro an Sachschäden – das Hochwasser im Ahrtal 2021 war die teuerste Naturkatastrophe der europäischen Geschichte. Und weniger als ein Viertel der betroffenen Assets war versichert. Wer die Risiken von Überschwemmungen und anderen Naturereignissen früher erkennen und präziser einschätzen will,

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Glyn Townsend 0
Smart cities: Which parts of the UK are the most AI-ready?

AI has, for many years, been the stuff of fantasy. From the monster in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to the dystopian futures depicted in films such as Metropolis, the Matrix and Minority Report, the idea of intelligent machines has been capturing the imagination of writers for centuries. Our ability to store

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