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Kelly Levoyer 0
The great debate: analytics vs. instinct

Malcolm Gladwell, author of Outliers and Blink, and Tom Davenport, Babson College professor and author of Competing on Analytics, engaged this morning in a debate on a live Webcast onsite at The Premier Business Leadership Series at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas. The theme of the debate is analytics vs. instinct:

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Stacey Hamilton 0
Live from M2009 - Day 3

Tuesday was a great day at M2009. I was able to talk to SAS Press author Randy Collica, who is working on a new edition of CRM Segmentation and Clustering Using SAS Enterprise Miner. I interviewed him and Curt Hinrichs, another SAS Press author, who is a coauthor of the

Advanced Analytics | Data Visualization
Angela Hall 0
Shared Prompts in SAS BI 9.2 ~ Modifying via EG 4.2

After mentioning the requirements in SAS Management Console to create and edit Shared Prompts (, I then came across functionality in SAS Enterprise Guide 4.2. In the 'Server List', there is a small blue circle with a 1-2-3 and when you mouse over you will see 'Prompt Manager'. When adding

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George McDaniel 0
Our over-populated social mediaverse

Hmmm. Let’s see. Facebook. Check. Twitter. Check. LinkedIn. Check. That’s about it for me, social media Website-wise. Guess I got that covered. What? You say there’s more? Lots more? Boy, is there ever. Wikipedia lists 157 active social networking sites. My favorite in that bunch, which I’ve not been quite

Advanced Analytics | Data Visualization
Angela Hall 0
Open up File Level Security for the BI Dashboard Configuration

(SAS 9.2) To get the SAS BI Dashboard to work appropriately, the users who have Role level access to modify and create Dashboards MUST also have read/execute/write access to the BIDashboard configuration folder (example of this location: C:SASEBIserverLev1AppDataSASBIDashboard4.2) 1. SAS Management Console: The Group "BI Dashboard Administrators" by default is

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