Search Results: INSURANCE (510)

Andrew Pease 0
The audacity of big analytics

Big data is already dead!!! Long live big analytics! In good writing, apparently, someone needs to die in the first line and big data is a sensational, front-page victim. Some trends indicate that the “big data hype” has already peaked. Regardless of whether this is true and a post-hype hangover

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Greg Henderson 0
It’s beginning to look a lot like International Fraud Awareness Week

For most people, this time of year means celebrating cherished, personal traditions… helping those less fortunate…flocking to stores in droves…the company holiday party… For the SAS Security Intelligence team, it means identity theft…benefits fraud…unemployment insurance fraud...insider threats. Why? Because next week is International Fraud Awareness Week! And we’re celebrating by

Rick Wicklin 0
Fat-tailed and long-tailed distributions

The tail of a probability distribution is an important notion in probability and statistics, but did you know that there is not a rigorous definition for the "tail"? The term is primarily used intuitively to mean the part of a distribution that is far from the distribution's peak or center.

The New Normal is Strange

The first time I used the Internet it blew my mind. As a diplomat brat, at any point in time everyone I knew was everywhere but where I was. Thanks the miracles of Gopher, Veronica, IRC and email, the tyranny of distance didn’t seem so oppressive any more. When I

Risk Management
Larry Roadcap 0
Five Keys to Successful Stress Testing

Stress testing is not new to the risk world but has been a major focus since the GFC (Global Financial Crisis). For a number of years now, stress testing has helped analytical specialists quantify various aspects of potential loss. What is new is the introduction of regulatory stress tests which

Stuart Rose 0
Back to the Future…

Let’s go back in time to the summer of 2007. The original iPhone had just been launched. Miley Cyrus was Hannah Montana. The San Antonio Spurs were NBA Champions, and LeBron James was the savior of Cleveland Cavaliers. Insurance Executives were only concerned about legacy replacement systems. On the surface,

Jim Harris 0
The ethics of algorithmic regulation

In my last three posts on data ethics, I explored a few of the ethical dilemmas in our data-driven world. From examining the ethical practices of free internet service providers to the problem of high-frequency trading, I’ve come to realize the depth and complexity of these issues. Anyone who's aware of these

Citigroup and AIG talk big data

Jill Dyché, internationally recognized speaker, author and business consultant, spends her days talking to businesses about big data – how they’re using it, challenges, successes, strategies, plans and more. What she’s hearing again and again from IT leaders is that they have to innovate with big data, move quickly and

Steve Polilli 0
Top 9 SAS news stories for 2013

As we near the heights of this festive holiday season, children have thoughts of sugar plums dancing in their heads and adults look forward to a long winter’s nap, but we elves of the SAS media relations team reflect on the fruits of a year’s worth of labor. This is

Thomas Keil 0
Business Analytics - die Trends 2014

Trend (vom englischen trend; aus mittelhochdeutsch: "trendeln", „kreiseln“, „nach unten rollen“) steht für eine besonders tiefgreifende und nachhaltige Entwicklung, siehe Trend (Soziologie) [...]." Ein Blick auf den wikipedia-Eintrag des leider inflationär gebrauchten Begriffs "Trend" zeigt: Es muss eigentlich um etwas Großes gehen, wenn von man einem Trend spricht. Etwas das die Gesellschaft erfasst

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0 numbers

Working at SAS, I consider myself fortunate to have the best employee benefits in the industry.  That is one of the factors placing SAS as one of the best companies to work for worldwide, and often THE best company to work for in USA. Given that, I was curious to know the kind

Kim Darnofall 0
SAS loves Stats: Don Wedding

Don Wedding played a baseball simulation game called Sports Illustrated/Avalon Hill Superstar Baseball back when he was in grade school in Toledo, Ohio. The game involved rolling specialized dice, and then referring to cards representing the performance of the greatest baseball players of all time. The problem was Wedding knew

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