SAS Events

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SAS Events
Kathy Council 0
Spring means SAS Global Forum!

We finally seem to be moving away from a really cold winter and into spring. That means that SAS Global Forum is just around the corner. March 23-26 will find me and many of my SAS colleagues and SAS users in National Harbour, MD, just outside of Washington DC. Will

SAS Events
Rick Mitchell 0
My top 3 picks for SAS Global Forum 2014

Having served as conference chair for last year’s SAS Global Forum, I am so looking forward to just being a normal attendee at this year’s conference in Washington, DC. That’s right, I’ll have no speaking commitments, no interviewers, no responsibilities—just the privilege of selecting the content that is right for

Learn SAS | SAS Events
Larry LaRusso 0
SAS is in the air

Today is Valentine's Day, and for many people it will be a day to celebrate with their significant other. Whether it's expressed by a nice dinner out, a bouquet of roses, or a big box of chocolates, there's no doubt that love will be in the air. It reminds me

Advanced Analytics | SAS Events | Students & Educators
Polly Mitchell-Guthrie 0
Skills needed for competitive advantage in analytics (hint, it's not just the math)

I'm a big believer in both/and thinking, so I'll stand squarely in the middle and say that the most important skills for competitive advantage in analytics include a combination of top-notch modeling abilities along with business acumen, critical thinking, and curiosity. I was intrigued by a blog post on this

SAS Events
David Corliss 0
Getting the most out of a SAS conference

SAS conferences are amazing events, with great presentations, keynote talks, classes and workshop, experts from the SAS Institute, networking opportunities and so much more! With so many things to do and so much happening at once, SAS conferences can be overwhelming.  Plan to get the most out of your conference

Learn SAS | SAS Events
Terry Barham 0
SAS Certifications are in demand

The demand for SAS Certifications has never been bigger. The number of SAS Certifications awarded has doubled over the last three years and in August the program had its biggest month ever with 1,195 certifications awarded. Here’s another impressive stat. More than 59,000 SAS Certifications have been awarded since the

SAS Events
Natalie Meyer 0
What's new with WUSS 2013

This year, SAS users are flocking to the Western Users of SAS Software’s (WUSS) annual conference. I had a chance to catch up with Operations Chair MaryAnne DePesquo, and she shared her excitement about this year’s conference. This is the first year that WUSS will be hosted in Las Vegas

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