Fraud & Security Intelligence

Find out how analytics can protect against fraud and cybercrime

Fraud & Security Intelligence
The Common Reporting Standard: an opportunity and a challenge for tax authorities

Cooperation and information sharing between tax authorities around the world can help ensure that taxpayers pay the right amount of tax to the right jurisdictions. The Common Reporting Standard (CRS) is an agreement between countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development to collect and share data from their financial institutions annually. This remarkable achievement

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Jen Dunham 0
Opioid schemes fueled by staged car accidents, insurance fraud

Criminal enterprises are tapping into the lucrative opioid business through creative schemes that are less likely to be identified as opioid abuse, misuse or diversion. One of the latest schemes? Auto insurance fraud. First, some background… While extensive progress has been made in establishing, improving, and mandating prescription drug monitoring

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
John Stultz 0
What can agencies learn from massive Medicaid fraud busts?

On June 22nd, the U.S. Department of Justice announced the largest Medicaid fraud bust in history. The National Health Care Fraud Takedown included 301 defendants charged, $900 million in false billings, 61 medical professionals and 29 doctors, across 36 states. In another case, investigators in New York uncovered more than

Fraud & Security Intelligence
From fraud detection to fraud prevention: working towards optimal audits

Currently, most fraud detection solutions for financial crime and tax fraud are focused on risk assessing entities. That is to say, they evaluate the risk of each individual or businesses separately. While this helps prioritize risk-based investigations by alerting investigators to the likelihood of fraud, it does not necessarily maximize deterrence.

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Michael Rabin 0
„Fraudsters love digital“

Wer glaubt, die Digitalisierung hätte dem Thema Versicherungsbetrug den Garaus gemacht, der irrt – gewaltig. Nach wie vor ist einer von zehn gemeldeten Schäden und Ansprüchen erfunden oder manipuliert. Der Schaden: mindestens 4 Milliarden Euro allein in Deutschland – und das nur bei Sachversicherungen, also ohne Lebens- oder Krankenversicherungen. Den

Advanced Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence | SAS Events
SAS Poland 0
SAS® Visual Investigator – nowy wymiar użycia zaawansowanej analityki SAS

W obecnych czasach temat wykrywania nadużyć w obszarach finansów, usług dla obywateli oraz bezpieczeństwa narodowego staje się coraz większym wyzwaniem dla firm prywatnych i instytucji państwowych. Powszechność dostępu do Internetu, gwałtowny rozwój handlu elektronicznego i rosnące ilości danych przetwarzanych w usługach „w chmurze” powodują konieczność zastosowania zaawansowanych narzędzi informatycznych. SAS®

Fraud & Security Intelligence | Risk Management
Damit Betrüger keinen Fuß in die Unternehmenstür bekommen!

Formulare sind fester Bestandteil unseres Alltags. Bereits bei der Geburt werden wir datums-, geschlechts-, gewichts- und größentechnisch erfasst – sei es auf Papier oder elektronisch. Und das zieht sich durch unser ganzes weiteres Leben. Für unsere Kinder müssen wir Formulare zur Aufnahme im Kindergarten, in der Grundschule oder in der

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