Lengthens the spine and opens hips while strengthening core Half Lord of the Fishes (Sanskrit: Ardha Matsyendrasana) Sit on the floor with your legs lengthened (Staff pose). Place your feet on the floor with knees bent and pointed towards ceiling/sky. Slide your right foot under your left leg to the
Tag: SASyoga
Opens the chest, neck and spine while engaging the glutes, quadriceps and hips. Bridge (Sanskrit: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) Lie on your back. Bend your knees and have feet on floor/mat. Knees and feet are hip distance and arms along the sides of the body with palms down. Back heels up
Stretches ankles, legs, hips, hamstrings, shoulders and spine; opens chest, engages and strengthens abdominals, spine and back Triangle (Sanskrit: Trikonasana) Begin in Mountain with feet hip distance. Step left foot back with front heel to back arch alignment. Root the back edge of your left foot into the ground/floor/mat. Torso
There is one thing that is consistent during this time of year – planning Breast Cancer Awareness events at SAS and throughout the community. I have a deep passion due to the family history, genetics and simply wanting to help others. I’m also a strong believer in research, education and
Stretches torso and arm & strengthens ankles, knees, legs, abdomen, buttocks and spine; Cultivates balance, opens chest and shoulders Balancing Half Moon (Sanskrit: Ardha Chandrasana)
Provides strengthening for arms, back and core while lengthening spine Side Plank Pose (Sanskrit: Vasisthasana) From Plank, place right hand on mat under face. Shift to outside edge of your right foot. Your options for this pose are numerous. Top hand can be on waist or lifted towards sky. You can
Lengthens inner thigh and side waist. Engages core and lengthens spine while opening chest, arms and shoulders. Gate Pose (Sanskrit: Parighasana) Begin on mat kneeling with toes curled under and torso lengthened with crown reaching tall. Extend your right leg out to the right and press your entire foot into
Opens chest, inner thighs while strengthening back, core and thighs. Goddess Pose (Sanskrit: Utkata Konasana) Begin in Mountain at the front of your mat. Step your left foot back as if you were moving into High Lunge. Turn your entire body to the left turning toes out to corners of
Stretches shoulders, hamstrings and calves while strengthening arms, core and back; Calms the mind! Dolphin Pose (Sanskrit: Ardha Pincha Mayurasana) Start on hands and knees with toes curled under – wrists under shoulders and hips over knees. Core is engaged and drawing in towards spine. Shoulder blades are sliding down
Strengthens quads/glutes/core & lengthens/rotates spine to provide more breathing room Chair (Sanskrit: Utkatasana) With feet together, stand in Mountain (Tadasana). Engage Uddiyana Bandha (drawing the navel in towards spine) to support the back/core. Palms at heart center, take hips back as if you’re sitting in an imaginary chair (or ottoman
Strengthens arms, wrists, core, spine and thighs. Opens chest and shoulders while improving posture. Upward-Facing Dog Pose (Sanskrit: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) Begin lying down on mat (face down). Legs are lengthened behind with inner thighs spiraling so all ten toes and top of feet are planted in mat. Place palms
Strengthens arms, shoulders, back, core and quadriceps Four-Limbed Staff Pose (Sanskrit: Chaturanga Dandasana) Start on hands and knees and then move into Plank. Wrists are under shoulders and you’re engaging quadriceps and pressing through heels as if you’re stepping on the floor. Core is engaged and drawing in towards spine.
Strengthens arms, core and quadriceps; opens shoulders and chest while lengthening hamstrings (great pose for the entire body) Downward Facing Dog Pose (Sanskrit: Adho Mukha Svanasana) Come onto floor on hands and knees. Place knees directly below hips and hands slightly forward of shoulders. Spread palms, middle fingers parallel
Brings relief to feet, legs and spine. Relaxes the nervous system and cultivates sleep. Legs Up the Wall (Sanskrit: Viparita Karani)
Stretches the hips, ankles and shoulders while opening chest and lengthening spine. Cow Face Pose (Sanskrit: Gomukhasana)
Benefits: Strengthens ankles, calves, quads and hamstrings. Lengthens spine and assists in opening the chest and shoulders. Great balancing pose. Warrior 3 (Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana III )
Stretches the front of the body, ankles, thighs, abdomen, chest, throat and hip flexors. Strengthens back muscles and improves posture. Bow Pose (Sanskrit: Dhanurasana)
Strengthens and stretches legs, knees and ankles. Stretches groins, spine, chest, lungs and shoulders. Stimulates abdominal organs and aids in digestion. Improves balance and increases stamina. Revolved Twist/Side Angle Pose (Sanskrit: Parivrtta Parsvakonasana) From High Lunge pose with left foot forward, place hands at heart center. Make sure the front
Strengthen and stretch your thighs, ankles and calves. Open your hips, shoulders and upper back. Eagle (Sanskrit: Garudasana) 1. Stand in Tadasana/Mountain. Lift your left knee up engaging your core and focusing on something that’s not moving. Cross your left thigh over the right. Point your left toes toward the
Strengthen your core, lengthen your spine and create hamstring flexibility! Standing Big Toe (Sanskrit: Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana)
Strengthen your legs and core with April's Yoga Pose of the month: Revolved Chair (Sanskrit: Parivrtta Utkatasana)