Brings relief to feet, legs and spine. Relaxes the nervous system and cultivates sleep.
Legs Up the Wall (Sanskrit: Viparita Karani)
- Begin the pose with the short edge of a yoga mat by the wall (tree/porch column). Sit with side of hip against the wall. Gently turn your torso towards the wall and bring your legs up the wall as you lie your back on mat. If your hamstrings are tight, your hip can be distanced several inches from wall. Option: You may use a folded blanket or bolster for back support. If you have one, your lower back/sacrum should be planted on the prop before extending legs up wall. The closer the prop is to wall, the more lengthening in the hamstrings. Those who are more flexible can use higher support and move closer to wall. As you move into pose, your legs should feel unstrained. You decide the distance.
- Lengthen spine and rest shoulders and head on mat. Make any adjustments to get comfortable. Allow your arms to move down the sides of the body. If you’re using a blanket or bolster, your lower back should be fully supported. A strap can also be used by creating a loop to lasso lower legs snuggly together. Legs should feel as if they won’t fall. Allow your thighs to relax and release shifting into pelvis and hip sockets. You may cover up with a blanket. An eye pillow is a nice option as well as having a blanket stacked on top of feet. Get comfortable.
- Close your eyes. Stay in pose for ~5-10 minutes. Notice your breathing – relaxed and deep.
- To release from the pose, begin to bring subtle movement to the body. Slowly move yourself away from the wall and slide your legs down and turn over onto right side. Stay here for a few breaths and then use your hands to press yourself back to a seated position.
Namaste - The light within me honors the grace and wisdom within you.