Tag: Fraud

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Ricky D. Sluder, CFE 0
Why Excel isn’t the solution for health care fraud, waste and abuse investigations

To prepare for the data challenges of 2015 and beyond, health care fraud, waste and abuse investigative units (government funded and commercial insurance plans, alike) need a data management infrastructure that provides access to data across programs, products and channels. This goes well beyond sorting and filtering small sets of

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Henrik Becker 0
Wie erkennt man Kreditbetrug?

Es war eines dieser Fußballspiele, das man am liebsten vergisst. Zwei Mannschaften spielen Rasenschach ohne erkennbaren Drang zum Tor und ohne erkennbares Konzept. Hätte man den Gegner vorher doch mal studiert, wüsste man, wie man den Abwehrriegel knackt, wie man gnadenloses Pressing betreibt und traumhaft herausgespielte Tore den Zuschauern als

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Paula Henderson 0
Analytics making a difference in tax fraud: Kentucky protects taxpayer money, uncovers fraud schemes

According to a 2012 report, it was estimated that over the next five years the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will issue more than $20 billion in potentially fraudulent tax refunds. Figures like this do little to boost taxpayers’ confidence in our nation’s tax system. And tax fraud is not

Jon Lemon 0
Four-step approach to government fraud detection

Every day there are news stories of fraud perpetrated against federal government programs. Topping the list are Medicaid and Medicare schemes which costs taxpayers an estimated $100 billion a year. Fraud also is rampant in other important federal programs, including unemployment and disability benefits,  health care, food stamps, tax collection,

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
John Stultz 0
Is predictive analytics misguiding your fraud detection efforts?

When it comes to fraud detection and risk mitigation, predictive modeling has earned a reputation as the “heavy hitter” in the realm of data analytics.  As our celebration of International Fraud Awareness Week continues, I would challenge our readers to ask themselves this question, “Is the reliance upon predictive analytics

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Ricky D. Sluder, CFE 0
Data Mining: A Medicaid Fraud Control Unit's best weapon in the fight against health care fraud

On a cold and wet December morning in 2008, at approximately 1:30 AM, I pulled into the parking lot of an abandoned supermarket in Arlington, TX.  With sleet pelleting my windshield, I saw three additional sets of headlights enter into the parking lot from different directions.  All three cars converged

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Greg Henderson 0
It’s beginning to look a lot like International Fraud Awareness Week

For most people, this time of year means celebrating cherished, personal traditions… helping those less fortunate…flocking to stores in droves…the company holiday party… For the SAS Security Intelligence team, it means identity theft…benefits fraud…unemployment insurance fraud...insider threats. Why? Because next week is International Fraud Awareness Week! And we’re celebrating by

Carl Farrell 0
Fighting fraudsters

You might assume that a battle-tested businessman with a gruff exterior and a taste for salty language lacks an inner child, but you’d be wrong. Exhibit A is this little-known fact: I have a soft spot for animated Disney movies. Now, I could try to bluff a bit and say

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Henrik Becker 0
Betrug im Handel oder: Wer den Pfennig nicht ehrt, ist des Talers nicht wert!

Mein Vater hat mir einmal beigebracht, dass der Handel sein Geld im Einkauf verdient. Er muss es wissen, habe ich mir damals gedacht. Schließlich war mein Vater jahrelang bei einem Kölner Handelskonzern als Vorstandsassistent beschäftigt. Besonders in Erinnerung geblieben ist mir die Geschichte, dass der Vorstandsvorsitzende – so wurde erzählt

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Winfried Hentrich 0
Der fehlende Finanzbeamte: Demografischer Wandel in der öffentlichen Verwaltung

Wenn der dbb im Rahmen seiner Forderung für die Einkommensrunde 2014 schreibt "Der öffentliche Dienst ist in vielen Ländern Europas angeschlagen. Es sind oftmals genau die Länder, die aktuell die größten ökonomischen und sozialen Probleme haben.", dann mögen das viele in Deutschland nicht wahrhaben wollen. Aber dass Deutschland die letzten Krisen