Vivimos en la era de la hiperconectividad, nos comunicamos con el mundo en un entorno cada vez más digital. Y, precisamente, una de las principales consecuencias del COVID-19, al margen de las sanitarias y las socioeconómicas, ha sido una significativa aceleración de la digitalización tanto a nivel individual como empresarial.
Tag: Data Analytics
El avance imparable de la digitalización requiere de nuevas habilidades y capacidades en los profesionales, una demanda que determinará las necesidades educativas de los próximos años. Hemos entrevistado a Carmen Calderón Patier, Decana de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales Universidad CEU San Pablo, que nos ha ofrecido su
En España se generan más de 22 millones de toneladas de residuos urbanos al año, según datos de la Alianza Residuo Cero, que apunta también a que solo un 30% de ellos acaban siendo reciclados. Para minimizar su impacto en el entorno es fundamental un sistema adecuado de gestión, ya
Skills shortages in data science affect every company and organisation that tries to automate and adopt AI over the next few years.
SAS' Kris Stobbe shows how you can predict survival rates of Titanic passengers with a combination of both Python and CAS using SWAT, then see how the models performed.
The concept of analysing increasingly complex data to inform decision making is very relevant to policing today. Data science can and should support modern police forces to serve their communities. But what do we mean by data science and data scientists? One dictionary definition of a data scientist is: “a
UK government departments and the wider public sector are under huge pressure to improve service delivery and efficiency. We also know that investments in data analytics and data science play a key role in transforming services to help citizens. So what are the key challenges preventing more widespread adoption of
Los avances tecnológicos, las expectativas de los clientes y las regulaciones que redefinen el mercado, han sido puntos clave para que el sector de los seguros se enfoque en el crecimiento de sus ventas, su rentabilidad y la lealtad y el cuidado de sus clientes. ¿Qué ha pasado entonces? las
El universo de los datos es una realidad que está evolucionando más rápido de lo que muchos esperaban. Su impacto en los negocios ha sido tal, que la gran mayoría de las empresas están implementando o pensando en implementar soluciones de analítica que les permitan consolidar toda la información que
How should a data trust process work? David Loshin elaborates.
Jim Harris says learn the lineage of the data that fed the analysis before you get dazzled by visualizations or algorithms.
David Loshin raises questions about what needs to be done to ensure quality analytics.
Nothing says you are wasting your time and energy more than referring to a process as plowing a field with a fork. I liked to use this phrase as a manager and auditor, especially in government. Good data analytics makes a big difference in problem solving. Does anyone think a
Uno de nuestros firmes pensamientos es que el activo más valioso de las empresas son sus datos y el buen uso de ellos es el que pueden llevar a las compañías a una real transformación digital del negocio. A pesar de esto la consultora Gartner comenta que los líderes aún tienen una
It is no secret at all that there is a world of difference between theoretical and applied econometrics. Every analyst, as a practising econometrician, experiences this moment in their processional career – usually at the beginning of it – when the theory acquired during their academic time clashes with the practice. They
What are the most useful skills a data quality leader can possess? As an editor of an online data quality magazine, I naturally get asked this type of question regularly at events and meetups. My answer may surprise some who are expecting a data-centric response. I firmly believe that sales and
This year’s Polish SAS Forum conference gathered more than 900 enthusiasts of the use of analytics for the generation of innovation. The business session in the Customer Intelligence domain was focused on the methods of meeting the challenge of maximization of revenue while keeping the customers satisfied. Market leaders highlighted
Throughout my 10 years at a leading direct marketing and CRM agency, a chief issue we solved for our clients was what we affectionately referred to as a spaghetti junction. It’s a nickname often given to a massively intertwined road traffic interchange that resembles a plate of spaghetti, like this
The current rate of workforce change is unprecedented. Each new generation of working professionals is emerging more rapidly than the one before, with increasingly advanced expectations of their employers. The latest cohort is Generation Z, typically defined as those born after 1998. This group is fresh-faced, independent and extremely pragmatic.
Despite many experts touting 2016 as a significant year for innovation, IT is still chaotic, with many teams stuck in an old world. Organisations are implementing countless digital and data projects in an attempt to improve business models and streamline processes. Sadly, these rarely reflect any kind of coherent company-wide IT
If I were to believe the feedback I get, statisticians are among the most difficult people to work with. What’s more, they’re the only group that should be allowed to work in data analytics. It sounds harsh, but this may explain why big data projects continually fail. Businesses need statisticians who are both
The adoption of data analytics in organisations is widespread these days. Due to the lower costs of ownership and increased ease of deployment, there are realistically no barriers for any organisation wishing to exploit more from their data. This of course presents a challenge because the rate of data analytics adoption
At a recent MESA - Hollywood IT Society Digital Marketing conference, Claudio Ludovisi, SVP, Operational Strategy NBCU Entertainment for Marketing & Digital took a live poll of about 200 or so media marketing executives in the audience and asked them to “Think about what it takes to achieve true multiplatform