In SAS Viya 3.4, promotion support has been added for many additional SAS 9.4 resources, making it easier to make the leap to Viya. In this blog, SAS' Gerry Nelson reviews this new functionality.
Data in the cloud makes it easily accessible, and can help businesses run more smoothly. SAS Viya runs its calculations on Cloud Analytics Service (CAS). David Shannon of Amadeus Software spoke at SAS Global Forum 2018 on his paper, Come On, Baby, Light my SAS Viya: Programming for CAS.
Recently I’ve been listening to the BBC Radio Series 50 Things That Made the Modern Economy, which was first broadcast in 2016. One of the episodes considers the impact of a simple box (the shipping container) and concludes its invention was a major contributor to the post-war boom in global
SAS Viya has opened an entirely new set of capabilities, allowing SAS to analyze on cloud technology in real-time. One of the best new features of SAS Viya is its ability to pair with open source platforms, allowing developers the freedom of language and implementation to integrate with the power
SAS Visual Analytics includes text parsing actions that can help tokenize sentences, and SAS Visual Text Analytics provides even better, more sophisticated methods. This article contains code samples and cites papers for more details.
Getting started with SAS Viya and RStudio -- making the connection, and submitting my first commands via CAS actions.
In SAS Visual Analytics 8.3, a Data View is a reusable and shareable template for a data source. That means that the data view is tied to the data source, and not to the report. Here's how to use them.
Which character variables have the highest frequency count? You can easily determine this using a variety of procedures that calculate frequency count. For example, the FREQ Procedure or the MEANS Procedure. This blog post illustrates this process through two examples.
See how to sample unstructured (text) data using SAS Viya and CAS actions. This post includes complete code to cluster the text documents via k-means, and treats the cluster memberships as strata for analysis.
SAS batch jobs can generate many log files that accumulate over time. In this post, we present a SAS program that cleans up old log files on your system.