
MaryAnne DePesquo
Health Care Consultant, SAS Global Forum 2019 Chair

MaryAnne is currently an independent Healthcare Analytic Consultant. She holds a Master’s degree in Statistics which has been used in the healthcare field throughout her career. Professional experience includes working for major pharmaceutical companies, CROs, healthcare quality improvement organizations, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Veteran’s Administration and BlueCross BlueShield of Arizona. The focus of her healthcare experience has been in health outcomes research, predictive modeling, profile segmentation, data quality, surveys, data management, clinical trial statistics and reporting. MaryAnne attended numerous SAS Global Forum and SUGI conferences over the years. She later became involved as a volunteer at a Local User Group, Regionals, PharmaSUG and SAS Global Forum including Conference Chair at WUSS and PharmaSUG. She has been on the SAS Global Forum Conference Committee since 2010. During her career, MaryAnne has presented at WUSS, PharmaSUG, SCSUG, SESUG, SAS Global Forum as well as internationally at ISOQOL and PhUSE.