The SAS Dummy
A SAS® blog for the rest of usJason posted his thoughts on using a netbook with a thin layer of applications to do the stuff that he needs to do: surf the web and work his inbox. But don't underestimate these little machines. Over on the Dell Mini forum there is a discussion among folks who use
My family and I attended the North Carolina State Fair on Tuesday (weather was beautiful), and noticed two differences from previous years: Everything was more expensive -- getting in, riding the rides, and especially the food. It was easier to get around, because it wasn't so crowded. We didn't have
Like millions of Americans, I watched the vice presidential debate on television last night. I also watched it on Twitter -- which is to say that while watching the debate, I watched the real-time responses of hundreds of Twitter users. Twitter users, as you may know, have up to 140
For the past couple of school terms I've had the privilege to speak to high school students about SAS. I first blogged about this back in March of 2007. The title of my presentation is "The Many Applications of SAS", where "applications" is an overloaded word. We talk about the
The SAS support site has a new example of how to create a Top N report using SAS. The Top N report is pervasive in our society. From the Billboard Top 100 to the New York Times Best Sellers list to the Forbes list of the 100 Richest Americans, the
Here at SAS, we eat our own dogfood*. Actually, that's an understatement -- it's better to say that we feast on it. I've been using SAS 9.2 (released earlier this year) and SAS Enterprise Guide 4.2 (not yet released) for many months (years, actually) to accomplish several tasks, including to