
Leo Sadovy 5
Surfing the disturbance

The future of business is the martial arts CEO, the jujitsu strategist.  Far too many organizations approach business with an American football mentality, complete with scripted plays, huddles and time outs, but the real world isn’t quite so convenient and accommodating.  The real business world is 7x24 with no time outs

Steve Polilli 1
Three visual narratives about SAS analytics

I agreed to shoot at SAS Global Forum in Orlando some brief, YouTube-style videos of a few poster contest entrants.  I’ve been to the last four of these annual events, so I’m well aware of the extreme enthusiasm of the global community but the graciousness and excitement of these folks

Dr. Insight 0
Have you seen these villains of analytics?

At SAS Global Forum, we added our first Analytic Hero to the League - Rick Andrews of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Rick has fought epic analytical battles in the healthcare industry resulting in better lives for millions of consumers, and thus he has joined me in Datapolis

Alison Bolen 1
Big data answers for your industry and your role

Are you still struggling to understand what "big data" means to you or your industry? Or maybe you get it, but you want your boss to understand the opportunities, and you're not sure how to explain it clearly. Look no further. I've categorized some of our most popular recent big

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