
Data Management
Jim Harris 0
Crowdsourcing data improvement: Part 3

In this blog series, I am exploring if it’s wise to crowdsource data improvement, and if the power of the crowd can enable organizations to incorporate better enterprise data quality practices. In Part 1, I provided a high-level definition of crowdsourcing and explained that while it can be applied to a wide range of projects

Rick Wicklin 0
Binary heart in SAS

The xkcd comic often makes me think and laugh. The comic features physics, math, and statistics among its topics. Many years ago, the comic showed a "binary heart": a grid of binary (0/1) numbers with the certain numbers colored red so that they formed a heart. Some years later, I

Learn SAS
Maggie Miller 0
SAS Certification hits 75k

We’re all about numbers here at SAS. So when the Global Certification program hit its 75,000th credential – we had to make it a big deal. We tracked down the 75,000th credential holder to Susan Langan, a research analyst in Maryland, and what’s even more special than Langan holding the

Advanced Analytics
Rick Wicklin 0
Create an array of matrices in SAS

The SAS DATA step supports multidimensional arrays. However, matrices in SAS/IML are like mathematical matrices: they are always two dimensional. In simulation studies you might need to generate and store thousands of matrices for a later statistical analysis of their properties. How can you accomplish that unless you can create

Advanced Analytics
Matthew Galati 0
The kidney exchange problem

Suppose someone needs a kidney transplant and a family member is willing to donate one. If the donor and recipient are incompatible (because of blood types, tissue mismatch, and so on), the transplant cannot happen. Now suppose two donor-recipient pairs A and B are in this situation, but donor A

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Paula Henderson 0
Analytics making a difference in tax fraud: Kentucky protects taxpayer money, uncovers fraud schemes

According to a 2012 report, it was estimated that over the next five years the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will issue more than $20 billion in potentially fraudulent tax refunds. Figures like this do little to boost taxpayers’ confidence in our nation’s tax system. And tax fraud is not

Work & Life at SAS
Amanda Pack 0
Actions of L.O.V.E.

It’s February, so love is in the air (or at least hearts, chocolate, and roses are lining the isles at the grocery store) in the weeks before Valentine’s Day.  For the singles in the house, don’t stop here!  The stats are in, and according to the http://www.pursuit-of-happiness.org/ , people who have

Data Management
Jim Harris 0
Crowdsourcing data improvement: Part 2

In this blog series, I am exploring if it’s wise to crowdsource data improvement, and if the power of the crowd can enable organizations to incorporate better enterprise data quality practices. In Part 1, I provided a high-level definition of crowdsourcing and explained that while it can be applied to a wide range of projects

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Cancer Deaths Averted

Significant progress in reduction of Cancer mortality is shown in a graph that I noticed recently on the Cancer Network web site.  This graph showed the actual and projected cancer mortality by year for males.  The graph is shown on the right. The graph plots the projected and actual numbers

Internet of Things
Michael Thomas 0
Reality++ fueled by IoT

It's an exciting time for reality! We've been technologically enhancing reality for a long time -- eye glasses, telescopes, binoculars, microscopes, photography, moving pictures, live streaming video over the Internet, etc. But whether it's augmented reality, virtual reality or somewhere in between, a new wave of eye wear technology is

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