
Work & Life at SAS
Pam Cole 0
Ready for Change

Happy New Year!  For many the New Year means new beginnings which also means change.  But change is hard.  We’ve all heard that before, yet still we’re surprised when confronted with the prospect of change and just how challenging it can be. One of the reasons is that most of

Kevin Russell 0
How to perform a fuzzy match using SAS functions

“Here’s Johnny!!!” and well sometimes John and sometimes Jonathan and sometimes Jon. In the real world, you sometimes need to make matching character strings more flexible. This is especially common when merging data sets. Variables, especially names, are not always exactly the same in all sources of your data. When

Learn SAS
Rick Wicklin 0
IF-THEN logic with matrix expressions

In the SAS DATA step, all variables are scalar quantities. Consequently, an IF-THEN/ELSE statement that evaluates a logical expression is unambiguous. For example, the following DATA step statements print "c=5 is TRUE" to the log if the variable c is equal to 5: if c=5 then put "c=5 is TRUE";

Data Management
Helmut Plinke 0
Big data quality

Utilizing big data analytics is currently one of the most promising strategies for businesses to gain competitive advantage and ensure future growth. But as we saw with “small data analytics,” the success of “big data analytics” relies heavily on the quality of its source data. In fact, when combining “small” and “big” data

Learn SAS
Rick Wicklin 0
What is an empty matrix?

At the beginning of my book Statistical Programming with SAS/IML Software I give the following programming tip (p. 25): Do not confuse an empty matrix with a matrix that contains missing values or with a zero matrix. An empty matrix has no rows and no columns. A matrix that contains

Learn SAS
Rick Wicklin 0
Five tips from Simulating Data with SAS

Data simulation is a fundamental technique in statistical programming and research. My book Simulating Data with SAS is an accessible how-to book that describes the most useful algorithms and the best programming techniques for efficient data simulation in SAS. Here are five lessons you can learn by reading it: Learn strategies

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