Graphically Speaking

Data Visualization with a focus on SAS ODS Graphics
Data Visualization
Pratik Phadke 11
Calendar Heatmaps in GTL

Calendar Heatmaps are an interesting alternative view of time-series data. The measured value is displayed as color mapped cells in a calendar. Calendar Heatmaps can be easily created with SAS 9.3 using just the HEATMAPPARM, SERIESPLOT and BLOCKPLOT statements in GTL and some simple data manipulation. The example below shows

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 5
Adding a spark to your data

When viewing time series data, often we only want to see the trend in the data over time and we are not so concerned about the actual data values.  With multiple time series plots, forecasting software can find clusters to help us view series with similar trends. Recently I saw a graph showing the trend of unemployment

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