
Stacey Hamilton 0
Live from M2009 - Day 2

I’m tired. But in a good way. We had a great day in the SAS Publishing booth. We had a lot—and I do mean a lot—of traffic in the booth, much of it thanks to the early-bird book giveaway special. And I got to talk to a lot of cool

Stacey Hamilton 0
Live from M2009 - Day 1

I had every intention of blogging daily from M2009 and PBLS, but I never found a free moment yesterday to write down anything. I don’t like to think about it because it makes me exhausted, but I think I stayed awake for 24 hours yesterday. After a delay in Dallas,

Christine Kjellberg 0
The right attitude

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude – Thomas Jefferson How true this saying is for all of us in various situations. Our study group met this week for the second

Angela Hall 0
Navigating the BI Client Tools

(SESUG2009 Paper Preview) As I mentioned so many years ago (check my 2005 post out "The great analogy of SAS BI Products"), SAS offers a wide range of products for various users to get what they need and do what they must do. Due to this, I relate the various

Angela Hall 0
OLAP Cube Developer Access Required in 9.2

For OLAP Cube Developers to gain access to SAS 9.2, two items: 1. Authorizing Access to SAS OLAP Servers from SAS http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/biasag/61237/HTML/default/a003311504.htm "Users of SAS OLAP Cube Studio need readMetadata and writeMetadata permissions. To read and update the authorizations for SAS OLAP Servers, follow these steps: 1.Open SAS Management Console.

Chris Hemedinger 0
Welcome sasCommunity visitors!

I arrived at work this AM to see a link to this blog featured as part of the sasCommunity.org Tip of the Day. If you clicked on that link and landed here, welcome! I hope it was worth the click. Please, make yourself at home and browse through the 2

Chris Hemedinger 0
Do me a favor: stop doing me favors

A customer posted on the discussion forum that, much his dismay, SAS Enterprise Guide sets the NOFMTERR option automatically when connecting to a SAS session. The FMTERR|NOFMTERR option specifies whether SAS should report an error when you attempt to reference a data column that has a SAS format applied, but

Angela Hall 0
Shared Prompts in SAS 4.2 Information Map Studio

Just a quick tip on the shared prompts in SAS Information Map Studio: When attempting to select a previously created prompt in Information Map Studio, SAS will only display shared prompts that can be used for the type of variable you are filtering/prompting. For example, if you have a date value

Shelly Goodin 0
The other side of Mount Certify

Contibuted by Brenda Kalt, Development Tester, Publications Product Testing I work in Publications, and I'm looking at “PROC CERTIFY;” from the other side of the mountain. In September I took the exam and passed it comfortably. I reviewed three nights before taking it (generally missing what I should have read

Chris Hemedinger 0
You can use it for evil, too

I found this excellent example of What Not To Do on graphjam.com. I was inspired to see if I could recreate something similar in SAS. You see the result here. Yes, the PIE3D statement is ready to do your bidding. If that's what you really want.

Angela Hall 0
The #30DChallenge Results

Starting on September 1st, covering every working day, I began a thirty day challenge (twitter #30dchallenge) to accomplish a couple of goals: 1. Continue to increase my skills/knowledge of the new SAS 9.2 System Topics included both versions (SAS 9.1.3 and SAS 9.2), multiple components (SAS Enterprise Guide, SAS Management

Chris Hemedinger 0
The CIO perspective from MWSUG

Along with hundreds of SAS users, Alison (of sas.com fame) is attending the MidWest SAS User Group meeting. She recently "live-blogged" the keynote presentation from Suzanne Gordon, our CIO. Suzanne does us proud every time. Check out what she had to say to the MWSUG attendees about her start at

Advanced Analytics | Data Visualization
Angela Hall 0
Shared Prompts in SAS BI 9.2 ~ Modifying via EG 4.2

After mentioning the requirements in SAS Management Console to create and edit Shared Prompts (https://blogs.sas.com/content/bi/2009/09/24/creating-a-shared-prompt-for-multiple-imaps-and-stps-9-2/), I then came across functionality in SAS Enterprise Guide 4.2. In the 'Server List', there is a small blue circle with a 1-2-3 and when you mouse over you will see 'Prompt Manager'. When adding

Stacey Hamilton 0
The right note

Have you seen that new show Glee? It is a musical-comedy about a glee club struggling to survive in a cheerleader-dominated world. Fox describes it as “a new comedy for the aspiring underdog in all of us.” I’m feeling like an aspiring underdog these days. But, like the kids in

Learn SAS
George McDaniel 0
Our over-populated social mediaverse

Hmmm. Let’s see. Facebook. Check. Twitter. Check. LinkedIn. Check. That’s about it for me, social media Website-wise. Guess I got that covered. What? You say there’s more? Lots more? Boy, is there ever. Wikipedia lists 157 active social networking sites. My favorite in that bunch, which I’ve not been quite

Angela Hall 0
Stored Process Pass-Thru Authentication

There are a couple of options with getting SAS Stored Processes to access Metadata Libraries. 1. Pre-Assignment of Libraries or Connecting as a Single (and therefore Shared) SAS User Account The pre-assignment of libraries means that when the Object Spawner is initiated, the libraries are made available to the end

Advanced Analytics | Data Visualization
Angela Hall 0
Open up File Level Security for the BI Dashboard Configuration

(SAS 9.2) To get the SAS BI Dashboard to work appropriately, the users who have Role level access to modify and create Dashboards MUST also have read/execute/write access to the BIDashboard configuration folder (example of this location: C:SASEBIserverLev1AppDataSASBIDashboard4.2) 1. SAS Management Console: The Group "BI Dashboard Administrators" by default is

Christine Kjellberg 0
It takes a village

I have visited Oslo, Norway’s Vigeland Park and also have a postcard in my office of the little Angry Boy (Sinnataggen) statue and it reminds me of the frustration I have occasionally felt while attempting to teach myself SAS programming. There are times when I want to mimic this little’s

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