
Three things everyone should know about logistic regression

In Paul Allison’s own words, “It’s about time!” The first edition of his book on logistic regression came out in 1999, and since then, “there have been an enormous number of changes and enhancements to the SAS procedures for doing logistic regression and related methods.” Allison has incorporated those changes

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Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: Using JMP to compare two variances

If you're using JMP, please read on. This week's tip is from Professor Robert Carver and his popular book Practical Data Analysis with JMP. To read a free chapter and reviews of the book, visit Robert's author page.  The following excerpt is from SAS Press author Robert Carver and his book "Practical Data Analysis with JMP" Copyright ©

Rick Wicklin 0
Create a contour plot in SAS

When I need to graph a function of two variables, I often choose to use a contour plot. A surface plot is probably easier for many people to understand, but it has several disadvantages when compared to a contour plot. For example, the following statements in SAS/IML Studio displays a

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Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: Eliminate clipped terms

If you communicate with an international audience, this tip is for you. John Kohl is a gifted linguistic engineer, technical writer and editor, and author of the award-winning The Global English Style Guide: Writing Clear, Translatable Documentation for a Global Market. At the beginning of the book, John introduces The Cardinal

Students & Educators
Nadja Young 0
NC teachers’ voices regarding use of student growth in educator evaluations

In 2011-2012, North Carolina became one of many states to restructure their educator evaluation system to incorporate student growth. The NC Department of Public Instruction commissioned the external expertise of WestEd to evaluate various growth models and recommend value-added technology that would help them best meet their mission of using meaningful evaluation to

The specifics of analytics in data quality

We just published Gerhard Svolba’s Data Quality for Analytics Using SAS. When I first heard about it, I thought we’d have a tome covering such topics as standardizing data, cleaning it up, removing duplicates, and so on. However, as Gerhard says in his Introduction, “There are many aspects of data

An even better book: JMP Start Statistics

My first thoughts on hearing that we’d be bringing out a new edition of JMP Start Statistics were, “But how do we improve on an already great book? What could be better?” JMP Start Statistics has been such a big success with JMP users for a long time, so the authors

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Shelly Goodin 0
Ten bestselling books at PharmaSUG 2012

Don’t miss this list of most sought after books at PharmaSUG 2012. Last month’s conference featured several presentations from SAS authors and many of their books, along with industry-specific titles, were highly popular with attendees. The top 10 (in no particular order): Carpenter's Guide to Innovative SAS Techniques by Art

Kathy Council 0
New to SAS?

One of the most frequently asked questions we get in Publications is “I’m new to SAS. How do I get started?” We can always help with an answer to the question, but to do so we need to learn a little more about your plans for using SAS.  Do you

Rick Wicklin 0
A statistically beautiful Father's Day

To celebrate special occasions like Father's Day, I like to relax with a cup of coffee and read the newspaper. When I looked at the weather page, I was astonished by the seeming uniformity of temperatures across the contiguous US. The weather map in my newspaper was almost entirely yellow

Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: the OTHERS group

Gerhard Svolba is one of our busiest authors. His new book Data Quality for Analytics Using SAS just released and next Monday, June 18, he's participating in a live e-chat at 11 a.m. ET. In the meantime, I decided to feature our weekly SAS tip from Gerhard's first and also highly-regarded book Data Preparation

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