
Rick Wicklin 0
Repetition factors versus frequency variables

A regular reader noticed my post on initializing vectors by using repetition factors and asked whether that technique would be useful to expand data that are given in value-frequency pairs. The short answer is "no." Repetition factors are useful for defining (static) matrix literals. However, if you want to expand

Rick Wicklin 0
How to interpret a residual-fit spread plot

In a previous blog post, I described how to use a spread plot to compare the distributions of several variables. Each spread plot is a graph of centered data values plotted against the estimated cumulative probability. Thus, spread plots are similar to a (rotated) plot of the empirical cumulative distribution

Shelley Sessoms 0
Looking for international authors

Analytics 2013 is the educational conference for data analysts to learn about the latest technology and advances in the field of analytics. The next conference is set for June 19-20 in London, and I am excited to be attending this year. In fact, this will be my very first international

Thomas Keil 0
"The Data Post" - die Web-Highlights des Monats

Einmal pro Monat fassen wir ab jetzt Studien, Videos und Veröffentlichungen über Big Data, Business Analytics und Datenvisualisierung für Sie zusammen. Das Wichtigste über den Umgang mit Daten in Unternehmen und datenbasierte Entscheidungen - im Web gefunden, zusammengetragen und ausgewählt von führenden Analysten, unseren Partnern und SAS-Experten. Zur aktuellen Ausgabe: "The

Thomas Keil 0
Ohne Data Governance geht es nicht

Die Big Data-Diskussion hat vielen Unternehmen vor Augen geführt, dass Daten mittlerweile zu einem wichtigen Produktionsfaktor geworden sind. Ohne eine gezielte und konsequente Strategie lässt sich der Wert, der in den Daten steckt, nicht heben. Gefragt sind methodische und organisatorische Weichenstellungen – unterstützt von Software, die den Brückenschlag zwischen Fachbereich

Shelly Goodin 0
Bestselling SAS books at spring conferences

I can attest first-hand that the SAS bookstore was super busy at SAS Global Forum. I helped many customers find just the right book(s). Some users showed up with a general topic in mind, while others knew exactly what they wanted (often after hearing a book referenced during a paper). Now that

Rick Wicklin 0
New heat maps in the REG procedure

Has anyone noticed that the REG procedure in SAS/STAT 12.1 produces heat maps instead of scatter plots for fit plots and residual plots when the regression involves more than 5,000 observations? I wasn't aware of the change until a colleague informed me, although the change is discussed in the "Details"

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