Bei der Herstellung von hochauflösenden Flüssigkristallanzeigen (engl. lyquid cristal display, LCD) werden chromophore Farbpigmente auf Nanometergröße gemahlen und dann weiterverarbeitet. Dieser Mahlprozess ist teuer. Ein Erkennen und Bestätigen der Hauptursachen für eine kürzere Mahlzeit sind somit zeit- und kostenkritisch. Doch wie geht man vor, wenn man aufgrund starker Wechselwirkungen (ein
Have you ever peered intently into an unfamiliar data delivery directory, realized what was in it, rolled over onto your side, stared blankly into the distance, and dejectedly uttered something akin to: "Spreadsheets! Why did it have to be spreadsheets?" If so, then we are definitely on the same page.
Jim Harris says the question of who owns big data is no longer an esoteric concept – it's a frequently debated topic.
In a noisy distribution environment, hotels are in significant danger of becoming commoditized. Differentiating themselves not only from the competition, but from the third party distributors, will be crucial to maintaining a competitive edge, or even just maintaining profitability. In an effort to connect better with guests, most hotel companies
Recently I have been out speaking with a number of organizations about the idea of the innovation lab concept , which I discussed in a previous blog post, as the way to unleash the power of big data and make even the largest of companies as agile as a startup. During my
20. Januar 2015 im Schweizer Kanton Graubünden: Mehr als 2.500 Personen aus 140 Ländern - führende Wirtschaftsexperten, Politiker und Intellektuelle - kommen in Davos zusammen. Vier Tage lang diskutieren Sie über aktuelle globale Fragen der Wirtschafts-, Umwelt- und Gesundheitspolitik. Analytics: das Top-Thema der CEOs
Everyone loves a good conspiracy theory - hopefully you'll enjoy mine about the number of US E1 visas! I was perusing some of the US government charts, and found one on US immigration visas that caught my attention. It was a 3D bar chart, and since I always mistrust 3D
There's "big," and then there is "factorial big." If you have k items, the number of permutations is "k factorial," which is written as k!. The factorial function gets big fast. For example, the value of k! for several values of k is shown in the following table. You can
Increasingly, automotive executives want to talk about the "Art of the Possible" in analytics. So we took the opportunity to invite leaders around the industry to an Automotive Analytics Executive Roundtable to share their stories and spark new ideas. A myriad of diverse speakers covered a variety of topics on big data/Hadoop, the
We had a lot of books at the ENAR 2015 Spring Meeting in Miami last week, but these were the top three bestsellers. Analysis of Observational Healthcare Data using SAS by Douglas E. Faries, Robert L. Obenchain, Josep Maria Haro, and Andrew C. Leon Survival Analysis Using SAS®: A Practical
Warum? Big Data ist das Innovationsschlagwort der Stunde, und ohne Analytics werden wir dieser Datenmenge in Zahlen oder Texten nicht Herr. Viele Unternehmen nähern sich in ersten kleinen Schritten dem Thema, aber konkrete Umsetzungen hinken noch immer den technischen Möglichkeiten hinterher. Analytics in der Cloud scheint die Lösung zu sein.
The best graphs are both beautiful and informative - a smooth blend of art and analytics. But more often than not, the two collide rather than blending smoothly... Here is a link to a artistic infographic I recently saw posted by Vendavo on twitter. Their message (80% of your profit is generated
Forget about Big Volume, for my money the real value in Big Data comes from its variety. Why? Because just as there is “Value in the Network” when it comes to your business ecosystem, your data can be "networked" for value in much the same way. Before we dive into the business implications
I've been in many bands over the years- from rock to jazz to orchestra - and each brings with it a different maturity, skill level, attitude, and challenge. Rock is arguably the easiest (and the most fun!) to play, as it involves the least members, lowest skill level, a goodly amount of drama, and the
Adoption of Hadoop, a low-cost open source platform used for processing and storing massive amounts of data, has exploded by almost 60 percent in the last two years alone according to Gartner. One primary use case for Hadoop is as a data lake – a vast store of raw, minimally processed data. But, in many ways, because
The title of this article makes no sense. How can the number of elements (in fact, the number of anything!) not be a whole number? In fact, it can't. However, the title refers to the fact that you might compute a quantity that ought to be an integer, but is
I recently read a Washington Post article about the euro versus the dollar, and I wanted to analyze the data myself to see whether the article was simply stating the facts, or "sensationalizing" things. The article started with the headline, "This is historic: The dollar will soon be worth
Did you know the US-Malawi trade relationship is based almost entirely on tobacco? Or that apparel & accessories drive Morocco & Tunisia exports while their North African neighbors rely on oil? The United Nations Statistics Division collects detailed international trade data from more than 200 countries on the import and
Advances in technology, evolution of the distribution channels, demographic shift, economic conditions and regulations changes. How does an insurer prioritize all these seemingly competing goals and create sustainable competitive advantage. One answer is analytics. Many insurance companies are just beginning to take steps toward becoming an “analytic insurer” – one
SAS und Hadoop: Immer mehr Unternehmen stellen Überlegungen zum Einsatz von Hadoop als Framework für verteiltes Speichern und Verarbeiten großer Datenmengen an. Gerade für das Speichern von un- oder semistrukturierten Daten wie soziale Medien, Blogs, Foren, Online-Shops oder maschinengenerierte Sensordaten bietet sich diese Plattform an. Natürlich besteht häufig der Wunsch,
Is daylight saving time the ultimate in efficiency, or is it living a lie? Here are some graphs that might help facilitate a discussion on this topic ... With daylight saving time (DST), a whole geo/political area (such as a country) decides to set their clocks forward an hour during
Fraud is a growing problem for businesses – and one of the biggest threats comes from an organisation’s own employees. In many countries, the incidence of internal fraud is rising. According to the Credit Industry Fraud Avoidance System (CIFAS), in the UK alone there was an 18 percent rise in the total
One thing that always puzzled me when starting out with data quality management was just how difficult it was to obtain management buy-in. I've spoken before on this blog of the times I've witnessed considerable financial losses attributed to poor quality met with a shrug of management shoulders in terms
Für mich war es als Kind in Wien komplett unverständlich, warum das „H“ auf den deutschen Autokennzeichen nicht für eine berühmte Stadt wie Hamburg, sondern für irgendeine, für mich komplett unbekannte Stadt wie Hannover stehen sollte. Und ganz ehrlich; ich habe es den Freunden meiner Eltern aus Deutschland auch lange
“Dear Cat, I got an email from my IT department that says: [We are nearing capacity on the Flotsam Drive. Please clear data from any folders you are no longer using so we can save disk space. Thanks, The IT Department] Doesn’t this strike you as a bit old-fashioned? I
Imagine that you have one million rows of numerical data and you want to determine if a particular "target" value occurs. How might you find where the value occurs? For univariate data, this is an easy problem. In the SAS DATA step you can use a WHERE clause or a
When do analytics really provide value? All the time, of course. However, one of the best times for analytics to prove their value is when you are asked to do more with less. Often, the reason we are asked to do more with less is because of an economic downturn
.@philsimon looks under the hood of 'analytics.'
Which is more important - having beautiful graphs, or accurate graphs? Let's explore this question using the locations of the world's richest billionaires... I recently saw a beautiful map on that purported to show the cities with the most billionaires. Here's a screen-capture of that map: I decided to
Ich gestehe, das hat mich überrascht. Eine Messe in der Idenitätskrise zwischen Consumer-Gadget-Show und Business-Optimierungskonferenz lädt den "bekanntesten Whistleblower der Welt" ( zu einer Liveübertragung ein. Was will die CeBIT damit erreichen - und was wird sie damit erreichen? Nach den harten Formulierungen von Sascha Lobo zum Thema Bullshit ( muss