
Tobias Nittel 0
Big Data – waren wir nicht schon vor Jahren digital?

Big Data schwirrt weiter durch unseren Alltag. Versprechungen von neuen bahnbrechenden Möglichkeiten wechseln sich dabei ab mit Horrorszenarien, die uns die gläserne Zukunft androhen. All dies läuft verstärkt unter der Überschrift Digitalisierung ab, als ob wir nicht schon seit etlichen Jahren alle möglichen digitalen Werkzeuge nutzen, um effizienter zu werden.

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Internet of Things
Suzanne Clayton 0
It’s the Internet of connected life at Mobile World Congress

The Internet of Things is coming fast and furious. We clearly know what these “things” are, and were able to see prototypes at last week’s Mobile World Congress (MWC) which hosted some 93,000 attendees. Things = connected life = cars, homes (thermostats, washer and dryers, vacuum cleaners, security systems, refrigerators, etc.),

Henrik Becker 0
Cyber Kriminalität

Cyber Kriminalität - Ganz früher war die Welt einfach. Der gemeine Neandertaler brauchte nur visuelle Analytik, um zu erkennen dass sein gegenüber mehr Fleisch erbeutet hatte als er selbst. Der Griff zur Keule war dann nur ein offensichtlicher nächster Schritt. Genauso einfach war damals Verbrechensbekämpfung. Auch hier spielte die vorgenannte

Vickie Bevenour 0
Is your personal language sabotaging you?

As an executive coach, I've worked with thousands of managers and business leaders whose personal language sabotaged their effectiveness at driving change, not to mention their day-to-day team management. For your Inner Leader to shine through, you need to master your personal language--your way of communicating your company’s goals and

Rick Wicklin 0
Create a custom PDF and CDF in SAS

In my previous post, I showed how to approximate a cumulative density function (CDF) by evaluating only the probability density function. The technique uses the trapezoidal rule of integration to approximate the CDF from the PDF. For common probability distributions, you can use the CDF function in Base SAS to

Stuart Rose 0
Data governance - the new prodigal child

The old adage is that “Data is the lifeblood of the insurance industry.” However, for many insurance companies, data is like the red-headed stepchild. No one is willing to take care or have responsibility for it. In the past, insurance companies have created data governance programs, but these have often

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