If you're just a casual Star Wars fan, you might be confused about the order of the movies. Here's a SAS graph that will help you make sense of it all, before Episode VII comes out this week! If you'd like to see how I created this custom graph, here's a
Twenty-five years ago (when I was 12 years old), we realized that data, across the corporation, was not integrated. Nor did our data let us predict the future by looking at the past. So we started creating these stores of historical data soon to be called “data warehouse.” Here are
Was haben Schiffsbauer und Wichtel gemeinsam? Der Himmel tritt in eine neue Weihnachtsphase ein: Die Geschenke werden ab jetzt produziert. Schneider-, Schuster-, Maler-, Druckerwichtel und noch viele mehr produzieren in ihren unterschiedlichen Werkstätten, was das Zeug hält. Thema also heute: Optimierung! Lesen Sie wie es die Meyer Werft macht. (Hier
Lo how a rose e'er blooming From tender stem hath sprung As I write this blog post, a radio station is playing Chrismas music. One of my favorite Christmas songs is the old German hymn that many of us know as "Lo, How a Rose E're Blooming." I was humming
Hatten Sie auch bei dem von „Q“ verwendeten Begriff „Smart Blood“ während der Injektion der Nanoteilchen in Bond’s Blutbahn sofort ein völlig neues Feld für interessante Use Cases im Bereich der menschlichen Sensortechnik vor Augen? Ob 007 wohl klar ist, was der MI6 mit den so gewonnenen Informationen über die
When we talk about the Internet of Things and “analytics at the edge,” we’re talking about modeling data as close as possible to the device – not far away in some warehouse or data storage appliance. So, generally, the edge is anything with a sensor that is transmitting data: an
Today, we live in a polarized world that divides family members, friends, and business colleagues. It effects everything we do from the way we communicate with one another to how we handle business challenges. I have seen long time business colleagues have passionate discussions to defend their supply chain position
Confusion is one of the big challenges companies experience when defining the data governance function – particularly among the technical community. I recently came across a profile on LinkedIn for a senior data governance practitioner at an insurance firm. His profile typified this challenge. He cited his duties as: Responsible for the collection
What would it take for you to keep 60 students interested and on task in a classroom for an entire hour? Some kind of magic or trickery? Maybe a bribe? Nope, all you need is an Hour of Code lesson plan, and you’ll be teaching computer programming to a classroom
Die Produktion läuft endlich an: Geschenke in hoffentlich höchster Qualität werden gefertigt. Und das Christkind blickt wohlwollend auf dies’ Gewusel seiner Lieferanten und seiner Engel. Kann das gutgehen? Ja. Denn das Christkind hat himmlische Governance. Data Governance und Qualitätsregeln. Außerdem hat es eine ganze Reihe an analytischen Tools des Vertrauens gelernt!
There’s more than one way to make a poor decision. Bad data, inappropriate assumptions and flawed logic are just three of the missteps you can take on your climb up the Ladder of Inference, a concept first developed by Chris Argyris, professor of business at Harvard, in 1974, and later popularized
Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie wachen auf und Weihnachten ist verschwunden, mitsamt aller Weihnachtsgeschichten. Niemand hat je davon gehört, noch gibt es irgendwelche Beweise über die Existenz von geschmückten Tannenbäumen, duftenden Plätzchen oder Ochs und Esel in der Krippe. Jemand hat Weihnachten radikal abgeschafft und aus unseren Köpfen eliminiert. Tief
Hey Folks, This is Ed, and I have some sad news to share. A few months ago, Willie started to lose his appetite. We took him to the vet, and he was diagnosed with cancer. Unfortunately, the cancer had progressed beyond treatment. So, we brought him home and spoiled him
Macroeconometrics is not dead: (and I wish I had paid better attention in my time series course): I wrote this on the way to see one of our manufacturing clients in Austin, Texas, anticipating a discussion how to use vector autoregressive models in process control. It is a typical use
Bis Weihnachten ist es nun gar nicht mehr so weit. Die Vorfreude beim Christkind steigt mit jedem Tag, gleichzeitig aber auch die Arbeit. Die Wünsche aller Kinder haben die Engel eigentlich bereits gelistet und seit der Trendanalyse vom Samstag kennen sie auch ein paar Geschenke, von dem sie jedem Kind
The most recent development environment for SAS programmers is SAS Studio, which is a browser-based application. The free SAS University Edition, which includes SAS/IML software, also uses SAS Studio as a development environment. SAS Studio has a special mode for programmers who use interactive procedures such as PROC IML. (Recall
Heute wird rekapituliert. Heute nimmt sich das Christkind die Zeit, um Revue passieren zu lassen, was gut und was schlecht gelaufen ist. Es wird herausfinden, was sich gelohnt hat zu lernen und was es lieber wieder vergessen möchte. Auch die Engel werden befragt. Heute werden die vergangenen 12 Tage betrachtet
Das Christkind kann sich nun bald bei SAS als Data Scientist bewerben. Was dem Christkind gestern noch als unlösbar erschien, ist für es jetzt ein Klacks. Beispiel: Die richtigen Geschenke für Kinder zu finden, die sich nichts wünschen … Da es das nun drauf hat, kann es an die Verfeinerung
In conjunction with the International Institute of Forecasters and the Institute for Advanced Analytics at North Carolina State University, the 2016 Foresight Practitioner conference will be held in Raleigh, NC (October 5-6, 2016) with the theme of: Worst Practices in Forecasting: Today's Mistakes to Tomorrow's Breakthroughs This is the first
Imagine trying to make the right decision for a child in protective custody if your information was limited only to what was reported to your department about a single incident. Without additional information about the child’s home environment, health and education, criminal background of adults in the child’s life, and
“Give us 50K in bitcoin or you'll never access any of your data again.” Cybercriminals have many ways to hijack your data, and ransom schemes like the one above are just one trick of many. These “geeks gone wrong” are a real threat to customers and brands, and everyone knows
Continuing your education can be daunting. Just thinking about all of that time that could be spent relaxing and you have to carve out two hours to study…really! Trust me when I say, I feel your pain. BUT, you will reap the rewards ten-fold, I promise. Check out these top
Recently I toured a manufacturing plant floor for a company that builds construction materials related to energy. I find a number issues people face in production of which the most common are around asset efficiency, product quality, and safety. This manufacturer like most had similar concerns on all those areas
Heute spricht das Christkind mit dem Nikolaus über die kleine Simone Pf. und den kleinen Steffen G. Beide, Simone und auch Steffen, wünschen sich nämlich nichts mehr. Das wundert das Christkind sehr. Und es vermutet, dass der liebe Nikolaus die beiden verschreckt hat mit seiner Rutendrohung! Doch auch dafür gibt
"Why forecasting is important" gets searched over 100 times monthly on Google. Search results include plenty of rah-rah articles touting the obvious benefits of an "accurate forecast," but are of little help in the real life business world where high levels of forecast accuracy are usually not achieved. This is
Modernization. It’s a hot topic for organizations in all types of industries that are looking for ways to streamline hardware and software footprints while gaining control and insights from the data deluge. In the data integration space, this means we have to look beyond a traditional ETL approach to one
Wer es von Ihnen, liebe Leser, bis hierhin geschafft hat, herzlichen Glückwunsch! Und auch vielen Dank an die Engel, denn die rackern sich gerade ganz schön ab. Während wir uns innerlich auf den 24. Dezember vorbereiten und gemütlicher werden, drehen die Engel nochmals richtig auf. Heute überführt ein Algorithmus ein
In traveling and speaking at SAS events in South America this summer -- at SAS Forum Chile in Santiago and at events in Buenos Aries, Argentina and Lima, Peru -- I had the wonderful opportunity to speak with local customers and learn about their progressive organizational approaches. In talking with these
A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend the 2015 EyeforTravel Connected Traveller Conference. Based on the spelling of the word “traveller” which my American version of MS Word continuously wants to autocorrect, you can correctly assume the conference was hosted in London. During the conference, one phrase
Time. It flies. It does so whether or not you’re having fun or otherwise putting it to good use. To know where it flies, you’d need to watch. But most of us can’t make the time to watch. How we use time is important since it’s the one resource we