
Rick Wicklin 0
Lo, how a polar rose e'er blooming

Lo how a rose e'er blooming From tender stem hath sprung As I write this blog post, a radio station is playing Chrismas music. One of my favorite Christmas songs is the old German hymn that many of us know as "Lo, How a Rose E're Blooming." I was humming

Christine Komander 0
Smart Blood ? Wir werten Sie aus Mr. Bond!

Hatten Sie auch bei dem von „Q“ verwendeten Begriff „Smart Blood“  während der Injektion der Nanoteilchen in  Bond’s Blutbahn sofort ein völlig neues Feld für interessante Use Cases im Bereich der menschlichen Sensortechnik vor Augen? Ob 007 wohl klar ist, was der MI6 mit den so gewonnenen Informationen über die

Data Management
Dylan Jones 0
How to communicate the role of data governance

Confusion is one of the big challenges companies experience when defining the data governance function – particularly among the technical community. I recently came across a profile on LinkedIn for a senior data governance practitioner at an insurance firm. His profile typified this challenge. He cited his duties as: Responsible for the collection

Michael Herrmann 0
Christkind als Data Quality Steward (SAS Adventskalender 15. Türchen)

Die Produktion läuft endlich an: Geschenke in hoffentlich höchster Qualität werden gefertigt. Und das Christkind blickt wohlwollend auf dies’ Gewusel seiner Lieferanten und seiner Engel. Kann das gutgehen? Ja. Denn das Christkind hat himmlische Governance. Data Governance und Qualitätsregeln. Außerdem hat es eine ganze Reihe an analytischen Tools des Vertrauens gelernt!

Willie the Seeing Eye Dog 0
The final post

Hey Folks, This is Ed, and I have some sad news to share. A few months ago, Willie started to lose his appetite. We took him to the vet, and he was diagnosed with cancer. Unfortunately, the cancer had progressed beyond treatment. So, we brought him home and spoiled him

Carl Farrell 0
Best practices in cybersecurity

“Give us 50K in bitcoin or you'll never access any of your data again.” Cybercriminals have many ways to hijack your data, and ransom schemes like the one above are just one trick of many. These “geeks gone wrong” are a real threat to customers and brands, and everyone knows

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