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SAS Events
Sara Jones, CMP 0
It’s YOU not me!

Sadly, SAS did not three-peat as the No. 1 Best Company  to Work For on Fortune’s famous list, but from my point of view, SAS will always be No. 1. It’s not the Healthcare Center or the Pharmacy on campus. It’s not the daycare or the four cafés, also on

SAS Events
Sara Jones, CMP 0
Happy New Year!

No, I’m not late posting this - early, actually. The Chinese New Year begins January 23. The 15-day celebration is a time to spend with friends and family and welcome longevity, good fortune, wealth and happiness. My husband visits China often for work, and some dear friends of ours just

Learn SAS
Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author’s tip: Bubble plots in PROC GPLOT

Robert Rutledge's book Just Enough SAS is the source of this week's SAS tip. It would be easy to turn almost any page of Robert's book into a stand-alone tip. However, today my attention was drawn to two side-by-side pages. One features a PROC GCHART pie chart (and includes a DONUT statement) and the other

Analytics | SAS Events
Our conference lineup for 2012

Here at SAS Publishing, we’ve started the new year off with a bang, particularly when it comes to conferences. We’re attending a number of new shows in addition to the usual lineup this year. Visit our booth, meet our authors, check out our new and forthcoming titles, and talk with

SAS Events
Waynette Tubbs 0
IFSUG Summit registration now open!

Are you a SAS professional working in the insurance or financial services industry? Are you looking for a place where you can talk with others who work in the those industries? Would you like to get together and network, face-to-face, or share ideas and best practices for using SAS? There is now a SAS Users Group just for you;

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
The more the merrier

Often it is useful to view multiple responses by a common independent variable all in the same plot.  SGPLOT procedure and GTL support the ability to view two responses, one each on the Y and Y2 axes by one independent variable (X) in one graph.  Yes, you can also have X

Learn SAS
Sean Gargan 0
SAS OnDemand and great practice data

You know the old joke about the guy who jumps into a taxi and asks the driver, “Do you know how to get to Carnegie Hall?” and the driver replies, “Practice, practice, practice”.  Well SAS OnDemand may not be your ticket to Carnegie Hall but it’s a great practice environment

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Custom confidence intervals

Recently a user posted a question on the SAS/GRAPH and ODS Graphics Forum about drawing a plot with custom confidence intervals .  The user has a simple data set with category, response (mean) and custom lower and upper confidence intervals.  The data looks like this: Robert Allison provided the code (proc gplot +

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